economy and politics

"Gang, thug, tyrant": Ayuso’s insults to Sánchez while announcing complaints of his partner by defamation

Ayuso denounces a espionage to their surroundings because their WhatsApp with Sánchez in the pandemic

Isabel Díaz Ayuso continues to upload the tone of her insults and accusations against Pedro Sánchez while, at the same time, her partner, Alberto González Amador, complains against everyone who dares to call her “fraudsman” or “offender confessed.” The president of the Community of Madrid has ended up making disqualification into her main political tool and, in recent months, has called the chief of the executive “son of a bitch”, “thug”, “tyrant”, “liar”, “mafioso “And” Caradura “, among other insults. The level of Ayuso outbursts climbed now a year ago, after revealed the fiscal fraud of his partner, who recognized two tax crimes for not having declared the more than two million euros that he entered during the worst of the worst of the Pandemia as a commissioner of the sale of sanitary material.

Months before, in November 2023, Ayuso was caught by the cameras of Congress insulting Pedro Sánchez, who at that time responded to the PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, during the debate of his investiture. The regional president of Madrid hugely bothered that the aspiring Moncloa remembered the case of his brother Tomás and the millionaire commissions that packed during the pandemic for the sale of sanitary material to the Community of Madrid. And he released from the guest tribune a clear “What a son of a bitch!”, Between. That insult aimed at Sánchez immediately transformed into a “I like fruit”, which despite the evidence of the images was what from the Ayuso team assured that the president had said irony. Then the phrase became a recurring hose used by her and the leaders of the PP to load against anyone who bothers her.

Since then Ayuso has been raising the tone at the same time that his partner, González Amador, placed in the target of his complaints especially to the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, but also to the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, Ministers, and several already several leaders of the PSOE and more Madrid who accuses of “defame” and “slander him.” Ayuso’s boyfriend takes everyone who reminds him of that he lives with Ayuso on a floor of one million euros that he bought after fiscal fraud and that the two share with an attic in the same property.

The payroll of defendants for González Amador are also Pedro Sánchez, five ministers – María Jesús Montero, Félix Bolaños, Isabel Rodríguez, Diana Morant and Óscar López; the socialist deputy Javier Zaragoza; the spokeswoman of more Madrid at the Madrid Assembly, Manuela Bergerot; his counterpart in the City of Madrid, Rita Maestre; and the director of communication of the PSOE, Ion Antolín. He has also denounced two political formations: the PSOE and more Madrid.

In total it claims 415,000 euros of compensation. The largest amount, a total of 100,000 euros, is what González Amador demands the chief of the Executive, who asked to retract after calling him “criminal.” The decision of Ayuso’s couple’s lawyers to materialize the complaint has been announced after neither the Chief of the Executive nor González Amador himself presented last Wednesday, at 12.30 pm, in the Court of First Instance number 98 of Madrid for a conciliation act.

“Sánchez has said he wants to finish with me”

At the same time, Ayuso’s diatribes against Sánchez have even led him to ensure that the president of the Government wants to kill her. This was recently confessed to Ana Rosa Quintana on the return of her program at Telecinco mornings. “I think that any citizen who puts himself in my place will understand what he can mean that the president of the government openly says that he will kill you, that he wants to end with you,” he lamented. “They try to create a fear around me that I don’t have. They have gone to my people, they have tried to discredit my school, my friends, all our environments, ”he later apostilled.

During the interview, the Madrid regional leader also denounced an alleged “espionage” to his surroundings and the deletion of WhatsApp conversations that he had with Sánchez during the pandemic. “What computer programs will be using from La Moncloa to erase it?” The Madrid president asked, while saying he does not know if he has “the punctured phones.” In addition, he insisted on pointing out that he is the victim of a “state operation” orchestrated by Moncloa, “that they have left their hands.”

As he said, “what they try” from the government and the PSOE is their “personal destruction.” “They want to destroy me because at the polls they cannot do anything,” he said, without taking into account that the true threats of “destroying” a media out of communication by their chief chief, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, to the press, for uncover the case of your partner’s hacienda fraud. Ayuso’s right arm sent a message to a journalist from warning him: “We are going to crush you. You will have to close, idiots. To give you ”.

Ayuso extended his attacks also to the PSOE. In that interview Ayuso described the newly held Regional Congress of the Madrid Socialists as “The Congress of Hate”, of “People who have crazy and who do not even want to hide those phobias with which they have been working” against it, he said, and against your “project.”

“Sánchez has gone mad”

Shortly after he abominated the acts organized by the Government on the occasion of the 50 years of the death of the dictator Francisco Franco to which the Community of Madrid did not want to join. “Sánchez has gone mad,” he repeated again on social networks.

One of Ayuso’s favorite scenarios to load the inks against Sánchez and his government is the Madrid Assembly, where he feels comfortable wrapped up by the absolute majority of his parliamentary group, the PP, which applauds all its gracietas and tone outputs. In one of the control sessions of last June he already described the president of the “Hub” Executive, alluding to an interview that had made the eve in TVE in which, according to her, she behaved as such “threatening the judges and the judges and the media ”.

The Madrid president also complained that “she got into the community of Madrid”, which is another of the most recurring accusations of the Madrid leader against the president of the Government, of which he has no doubt that he wants to “destroy Madrid” giving “Axes to investments” to drown their economy.

Ayuso also said that they are not “a mud machine”, as Sánchez told him, and warned him that his government will be “the scourge of corruption”, ignoring that precisely the regional governments of the PP in Madrid are the ones that have been seen wrapped in the most serious cases of corruption in recent decades. The use of insult as a political tool is something common in Ayuso despite complaining about “polarization” and the division in Spanish politics, but to which she contributes competing with Santiago Abascal and Vox leaders in a species From ‘Let’s see who gives more’.

“Sánchez is pure Chavismo”

In a popular party party rally held in June 2024 in the Berlin Park in Madrid to celebrate the first year of absolute majority, Ayuso said that “Sánchez is pure Chavismo” and accused him of practicing the “woodwide strategy” for Find “little sips, little by little” with “democratic supports, counterweights, counterpoints, justice and the separation of powers.” Then he said that “socialism is pure Chavism.” “Sanchismo, I insist, is Chavismo and we are on the same path. They call it fascism, but if all they do is violent and it is against law and against democracy reason and truth, that is the most fascist that can exist, ”he added.

In Ayuso’s opinion, the socialist leader is a “ruler seduced by policies of a Bolivarian leader”, a hose that has also repeated on several occasions. “In Spain we are all the same before the law, despite the one weigh, even if you have to leave the Moncloa tomorrow by scammer, by scammer,” he launched in his speech.

Its list of expletives is endless and includes adjectives such as “tyrant” and “liar” or “mafia”. In July 2024 he already said in A message on your X account that “Sánchez points the Bolivarian dictatorship and breaks the common box of the Spaniards.”

A month earlier, in June 2024, at an informative breakfast of the Forum Europe in which she presented Dolores Montserrat as a PP candidate for European elections, she addressed Sánchez another of her acid comments by ensuring that she became more and more like a “Meme of a president of a banana republic” while accused of having taken Spain “to the abyss” with “his gestures and lies.” To finish, he said that the president “lives from Azuzar guerracivilist hatred” and is the “most corrupt and violent ruler in Europe.”

In another more recent breakfast, in January, Ayuso said that Sánchez and “his people” are “more dangerous than ever” because his time in the world “has passed” and now “will cling to their redoubt of power as it is.”

Nor has it been cut when affirming that the leader of the PSOE has the same “project” as the missing terrorist band ETA, whose victims use as a political ram without any modesty. In an interview with Okdiario carried out in May 2024, When asked if Sánchez was a member of ETA, he replied: “Of course, they are all the same project.” Then he mocked Sánchez referring to him as a “weeping” and accused him of being an “impressive face.”

The regional president does not hurt garments to criticize the government outside of Spain. During a trip to Chile, in March of that same year, he continued denouncing the “normalization of crime in Spain” because “agreeing with someone who comes from terrorism and pardoning people who have committed serious crimes” is now becoming “the ordinary ”, According to her.

His obsession with which all other groups, not only the PSOE and the Government, want to end it, took it this Thursday to load against Vox, whose leaders appealed only a few days before to reach the “understanding”. But the Summit of Patriots held in the capital, organized by the European Group of Santiago Abascal, which welcomed Marine Le Pen and Viktor Orbán, unraveled the good intentions of Ayuso.

“This weekend Vox has declared the war,” Look for the case since the case of his partner broke out. “Poor! Also as those convicted of the ERE of Andalusia or the coup in Catalonia. Look, throwing both the mobiles, erasing everything, Pedro Sánchez and the prosecutor. Oh, silly, get rid of you first! Not you, come, go! ”, Ironized the Madrid president in relation to the deletion of messages from the mobile representative of the Public Ministry. And, as usual, on the PP bench they celebrated their new occurrence with laughter and applause.

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