
G7 calls on China to pressure Russia to end war in Ukraine

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G7 leaders in Ukraine – Europa Press/Contact/Pool /G7 Hiroshima

The G7 leaders have called on the Chinese government on Saturday to pressure Russia to stop the war in Ukraine in a statement that combines their desire to preserve relations with Beijing while anticipating measures to reduce “excessive dependencies on critical supply chains”. — mainly in the case of essential minerals for telecommunications or semiconductors — without reaching a commercial “dissociation” with the Asian giant.

“We remain prepared to foster a stable and constructive relationship, while recognizing the importance of engaging frankly and directly expressing our concerns,” the international leaders explained in the statement published this Saturday on their second day of meetings at the Hiroshima summit ( Japan).

The G7 asks China for “involvement in international forums” in aspects ranging from environmental protection to trade, including international conflicts, notwithstanding stressing the “challenges” posed by China with its “non-commercial policies, which distort the economy global”.

Ukraine emerges as one of the fundamental issues of the final declaration: “We call on China to pressure Russia to stop its military aggression, and immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine,” the G7 leaders say.

“We encourage China to support a comprehensive, just and lasting peace based on territorial integrity and the principles and purposes of the UN Charter, including through its direct dialogue with Ukraine,” they added.

Continuing with the international arena, the G7 reiterates its position on the status quo in Taiwan, whose sovereignty has been claimed by Beijing for decades, and expresses its forceful opposition to Chinese expansion in the Indo-Pacific “through the use of force or coercion”.

“China does not have any type of legal basis to defend its maritime claims in the area and we oppose the militarization of its activities,” they point out.

Back to the big picture, however, the G7 leaders want to stress that these policy approaches “are not designed to harm China or seek to thwart its efforts for economic progress and development.”

“A growing China governed by international rules can be in the global interest. We are not disengaging,” they add, before pointing out, however, that the G7 plans to adopt a path of “risk reduction and diversification.”

“We will take individual and collective steps,” they announce, “to invest in our own economic vitality, and we will reduce excessive dependencies on critical supply chains.”


Although the G7 statement directly denounces “evil” practices by China, which it intends to “counter”, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan described the group’s position as “totally straightforward” and “non-hostile”. .

“It is simply direct and sincere,” said the adviser while the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, made a defense of Western nations as a good alternative to China and Russia when it comes to partnerships and financing for countries from the southern hemisphere.

“The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative seemed like a good and cheap offer. But many countries in the southern hemisphere have had bad experiences with China,” he said in an echo of the criticism of the enormous indebtedness that its accession generates in many countries. to this enormous infrastructure program and which Beijing categorically denies.

The United States and the European Union have also expressed concern that China will strengthen its diplomatic and strategic presence in regions around the world through the initiative.

“They took Chinese loans and ended up in a debt crisis. And all Russia has to offer these countries are arms and mercenaries. This situation has created a window of opportunity” for the G7 and like-minded partners,” added Von der Leyen. , in statements to DPA.

European sources indicate to the German agency that the G7 has begun to work under a new “feeling of realism” in relations with China. “We can no longer be naive,” he said after lamenting the “lack of caution” exhibited over the past two decades when dealing with these “critical supply chains” with Beijing.


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