
From the US elections to the Spanish Attorney General’s Office |

We are two and a half weeks away from the United States presidential elections on November 5, which undoubtedly transcend the American sphere and constitute a ‘planetary’ event (as Leire Pajin would say) decisive for international relations and world peace. Especially in this warlike time of wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, to which are added recent tensions between China and Taiwan and between the two Koreas.

Which also affects the Spanish people very directly in the area of ​​our bilateral relations with the USA and in transatlantic relations between the US, the EU and NATO. A turbulent time also in Spanish national politics, agitated by the recent indictment of the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, in the Supreme Court and with the unanimity of the Criminal Chamber chaired by Manuel Marchena. And that he will soon take the prosecutor – who refuses to resign – to trial for the crime of ‘revelation of secrets’.

And here we are and in the midst of the corruption of the so-called Ábalos, Koldo and Aldama cases and with the president’s wife and his brother, Begoña Gómez and David Sánchez, accused of their alleged crimes of ‘influence peddling’ and ‘corruption’. ‘.

A political panorama that would well deserve an electoral advance that not only President Sánchez refuses but also intends to exhaust the legislature with the approval of the PGE of 2025. Which would allow him to remain in power until 2027, once he expands, with new concessions, the pacts that Sánchez achieved with criminals such as the Oteguis, Puigdemont and Junqueras upon his investiture. And which included an unconstitutional amnesty law, advantages for ETA prisoners and recently an unequal and unsupportive ‘fiscal agreement’ for Catalonia, in addition to concessions for the PNV and the extreme left and anti-Spanish Sumar and Podemos.

Several coincidences between Sánchez and Trump

And it is in these national circumstances, in which new shocks in Spanish politics are not ruled out, that we approach the great American electoral event. About which no one, not even the main polling houses, is in a position to predict the final result between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

A latter candidate who still does not recognize his defeat in the 2020 elections and promoted the assault on the Capitol from the White House to prevent Joe Biden’s victory from being recognized. A Trump who has been convicted of a criminal offense and still has other cases pending, one of them for electoral fraud. And that during his time in the American presidency he already gave ample evidence of political and mental imbalance and absolute contempt for truth and democracy.

These last two aspects – lies and attack on democracy – in which Donald Trump agrees with Pedro Sánchez, as well as in other issues such as his obsessive ambition for power at any price, the manipulation of the State Prosecutor’s Office – in both countries, family corruption cases and political control of the highest courts of the State (the Constitutional Court in Spain and the Supreme Court in the USA).

Although the ideological differences between both politicians are notable, especially on issues of economy and immigration and in the field of international relations. Especially in everything regarding Israel and Venezuela.

Kamala Harris reacts and Donald Trump presses

Donald Trump is well known in the USA and around the world, while Kamala Harris has not yet imposed her leadership. Although she managed to defeat Trump in the only televised debate between the two and in a very recent interview on the conservative television network Fox News, the Democratic candidate came out on top against the brave presenter and interviewer Bret Baier. To the point that Trump got angry and called Baider soft.

Although the most striking of the problems that Kamala Harris has to do with her potential voters is that a segment of blacks and Latinos, who once and in 2020 voted for Joe Biden, and who, now, due to ‘machista’ positions (according to some survey) are reluctant to support Harris .

Hence Barack Obama’s firm entry into the campaign to mobilize black and Latino voters. Or Biden’s pressure on Israel to postpone its announced attack on Iran, and so that the young university students who supported Palestine in the USA do not distance themselves from Harris.

At the moment there are 18 days left in the American electoral campaign and that is a long time in which many important things can still happen in the United States and on the international scene. Especially after what was seen with the two failed attacks against Donald Trump, which have forced the security of both candidates to be reinforced.

Faced with this situation and concerned about the possible electoral rebirth of Kamala Harris, his opponent Donald Trump has not hesitated to launch new and extreme messages to the electorate saying, in reference to the Democrats, that ‘they are sick people of the radical left’, he has called them ‘the internal enemy’ who, according to Trump, must be controlled ‘with the National Guard’ and even ‘with the Army’. Although nothing as picturesque and insane as Trump’s statement in which he claimed that ‘Haitian immigrants ate pets in Ohio’ (dogs and cats), which provoked general ridicule.

Although the possible return to the White House and ‘the reverse’ of Trump are not to be taken as a joke, and even less so in this time of warlike ardor and international instability.

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