Science and Tech

From tennis to successful entrepreneurship: Serena Williams talks about this relationship

Since 2017 Williams officially launched her investment fund, Serena Ventures, in which the focus has been supporting early-stage startups that are primarily led by women of color. And although Williams has been questioned on this point, the tennis player affirms that part of this preference is due to the bias that exists in this type of capital funds.

“Investment funds invest less in women and even less in women of color, so I said to myself, if they have a good project why are they closing the door, I prefer to be that mentor who supports them from the beginning,” argued Williams.

Although the approach to startups that fascinates Williams is general, she admits that she has a special affection for ideas around the technology industry, and even points out that part of this preference may be related to the love that her husband has for this sector. , since Williams is married to Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit.

Tips for entrepreneurs

One of the clearest messages that Williams had was focused on women, since it indicates that an angular part today is support among similar people.

I believe that like attracts like. So, I feel like the problem is that we have the same type of people who write the same checks to people who look like them, so it’s looking for who you look like.”

Another of the tips that Williams gave is that entrepreneurs seek to be innovative in the things that feel closest and simplest, because new ideas about makeup, clothing or food can come from these ideas that perhaps they think there is little to invent.

Serena also invites entrepreneurs to have mentors, especially in the early stages, since often this lack of mentoring limits their opportunities.

“As in sport, you need a guide to tell you what you’re doing wrong, and that’s why mentors have been so key to me. Now, from the investment fund, we are looking for ways to help our founders have mentors so that they can chart a clearer career”.

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