economy and politics

Francisco Hernando Cubides, new commander of the Military Forces

Francisco Hernando Cubides, new commander of the Military Forces

Through his X account, the President Gustavo Petro announced the departure of General Helder Fernan Giraldo Bonilla from his position as commander of the Armed forces and, likewise, reported that the current commander of the Navy, Admiral Francisco Hernando Cubides Granadoswill be his replacement.

I welcome Admiral Francisco Hernando Cubides Granados as the new commander general of the Armed Forces, replacing General Helder Fernán Giraldo Bonilla, whom I thank for his commitment to peace and who will continue in active service abroad.“, the president tweeted.

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General Giraldo had been in the military for almost 40 years and had served on several occasions as commander of brigades and divisions. At this time he was leading the strategy for the recovery of the Cauca Departmentimmersed in a public order crisis due to the escalation of violence led mainly by the dissidents of the Farc.

Cubides is professional in Naval Engineering and Naval sciences of the Admiral Padilla Naval School. He has a master’s degree in Security and National defense in the School of War, International Relations and Conflict Resolution at the American Military University.

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This change, as well as the changes in the ministerial cabinet, had been brewing for weeks in advance in light of the two years that President Petro will complete in the Casa de Nariño on August 7.

*With information from EL TIEMPO – POLITICS

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