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Millions of people took to the streets in different cities of France during the sixth and most recent day of demonstrations against the bill presented by the Government of President Emmanuel Macron, which seeks, among other things, to increase the retirement age from 62 to 64 years. In this edition of El Debate we analyze the reform that is causing a stir in the population and we see what the possible scenarios could be if it were to be approved.
The reform project proposed by the French government has been met with enormous rejection by the opposition parties, the Assembly and public opinion. Now, after an intense debate, he tries to win the approval of the Senate.
According to the most recent polls, only a third of the French agree with the approval of the reform, which would allow the pension system to be a little more similar to that of other European nations.
The Government of President Macron defends its proposal arguing that an optimal and balanced retirement system would be guaranteed in the future.
In addition, they have expressed that they seek a consensus in the population since they do not want to impose it through a decree.
Will you get consensus? Will it be approved by the Senate? Will Macron negotiate with the unions? Will the workers’ centrals be able to paralyze the country and will they be able to have the citizens on their side? We analyze it together with our guests:
– Maria José Zorrilla, political analyst and Master in International Cooperation and Development.
– Vincent Arpoulet, international analyst and doctoral student in Economics at the Center for Research and Documentation on the Americas at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University.