
France accuses “far-left” groups of sabotage of trains at Olympics

France accuses "far-left" groups of sabotage of trains at Olympics

The French Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, has pointed out this Monday to the possible connection of the “far left” in the large-scale sabotage against the services of the French National Railway Company (SNCF) last Friday, the same date on which the Paris Olympic Games officially began.

“We have identified a certain number of profiles, of people who could have committed this sabotage,” Darmanin initially said during an interview with France2, where he later pointed out that the modus operandi of the attack is “the traditional mode of action of the far left.”

Questioned directly about the involvement of the extreme left in what happened, Minister Darmanin has advocated for “beware” with these issues, because at the moment it is unknown to what extent the authors of the sabotage “were manipulated or (acted) on their own.”

Despite the incident, which caused chaos for much of the day on the railway system, the Minister of the Interior stressed that the Olympic Games were taking place in complete safety, including the opening ceremony, which was held outside a stadium for the first time, along the River Seine.

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