An important interdisciplinary Regional Fondart project was awarded by academics from the Bío-Bío University, called “Attractions: I meeting between visual arts, crafts and science in the Ñuble Region”, and led by the academic from the Department of Arts and Letters, Tania Faúndez Carreño, who described the initiative as “a work benchmark for public and state universities such as the UBB, as well as for the region.”
Paulina Gatica, UBioBio Journalist.- The project, which ends in January 2024, was born thanks to the proposal that “the academic from the Department of Education Sciences, Mg. Rosario Heredia, who is also part of the team as co-director. Based on her experience, STEAM suggested that I jointly do a transdisciplinary project between visual arts, crafts, and science,” recalled Tania Faúndez.
The Regional Fondart proposes four meetings/dialogues between UBB academics and artists and artisans from the Ñuble Region, in order to establish transdisciplinary dialogues to promote scientific dissemination through artistic and craft creation.
The idea with this project, highlighted the UBB academic, is that it be the first of several meetings between visual arts, crafts and science in the area, and become “a benchmark for the academic world in our region. It is the first time that it has been proposed to work with six researchers from the Universidad del Bío-Bío, from different areas, and artists/artisans from Ñuble”. Likewise, the project director commented that it is a great challenge for her as an academic, as well as for her colleagues, “since the initiative generates a lot of expectations, and for many of the researchers it is the first time that they link up with local artists to create a work of art.”
“My area of work/research is the performing arts, specifically the Theatre, addressing the dramaturgy of war and theater applied to education. I also dedicate myself to directing through my company Teatro del Nuevo Mundo. Directing a project that is far from my specialty (visual arts, crafts and science) is quite a challenge”, reflected the teacher.
Activities and collaboration
Until now, two meetings have been held, one virtual and the other at the Casa Gonzalo Rojas Cultural Center. The next activities will take place on the Fernando May campus, in July and August, where artists and artisans will show their progress. of logs and the result of the final work. In addition to the above, the exhibition Attractions will be presented at the Claudio Arrau León Museum, to then tour Chillán (INACAP Gallery, November, and Claudio Arrau Artistic College, December).
Already in October “we will carry out the Colloquium Attractions (La Castilla campus) where the UBB academics and the artists and artisans will present their research and work processes. Finally, a school mediation will be generated in municipal educational establishments of the Region”.
The project director thanked and highlighted the participation of academics in the work tables; mg. Rosario Heredia Sacio, Dr. Nelly Lagos San Martín, Dr. Cristian Villavicencio Reyes, Dr. Bárbara Farías Fritz, Dr. Patricia Arancibia Ávila, Mg. Daniela Rivera Ruíz, Dr. Yuri Vega Rodríguez and Dr. Virginia García Flores. As well as the work and contribution of the artists and artisans; Evelyn Rozas, Nayadet Núñez, Raúl Parada, Pabla Palma, José Agustín Córdova and Tamara Marcos.