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The scene of rumors and leaks in the video game industry has given a lot to talk about in recent days, unfortunately not because of the successes, but because it has been confirmed that the information shared has been incorrect or even false. Due to this controversy over a few erroneous leaks, skepticism is generated around other informants to such an extent that some are crossing out a priori that the leaks they are giving are false. Among them is a renowned informant at the scene of Silent Hillwhich once again reaffirmed the veracity of its leaks.
In case you missed it, today youtuber Dan Allen Gaming confessed that he was the person behind the tipster TheRealInsider and the most interesting thing is that he revealed that all the reports about the return of Silent Hill Y metalgear they were invented.
This naturally made many wonder if all the rumors and reports surrounding these 2 franchises are false. Obviously, this is something that concerns Dusk Golem or Aesthetic Gamer, the main informant who since 2020 anticipates that Konami is working on the return of Silent Hill.
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Dusk Golem leaks about Silent Hill are they a lie?
Knowing that the details of the series provided by the youtuber had been false, a user contacted Dusk Golem to ask if his information was also false.
However, Dusk Golem calmed down his followers, saying that what the fake insider had mentioned about the game was pure “nonsense” and that he never used any of his information as a source.
That is to say, the information that Dusk Golem has provided all these years comes from other sources and reiterated once again that everything he has said is “100% true”, which includes the approval of 2 games of Silent Hill in 2018 (one narrative-focused and episodic and one a soft reboot).
“For me it’s a waiting game as it always has been,” said Dusk Golem about the time Konami has taken to make the official announcement. “I know that now a lot of the community of Silent Hill He has strong feelings towards me, but I have never changed what I have said, because it is the truth and in time it will be revealed.”
In case you missed it: new Silent Hill I would have a style demo PT.
Should you believe the leaks?
We remind our readers that there are informants to informants. What makes believe in some and in others is not the track record of successes. There are times when there are new informants who earn their place in the scene after hitting completely, like the newly created The Snitch.
There are others who have proven themselves trustworthy by years of track record, like Jeff Grubb, who is often right but recently shared wrong information. Regarding this particular case, we want to explain that Grubb has proven to give accurate information on dozens of occasions, but because of that mistake, many lost confidence in him. The whistleblower not only apologized, but said he was aware that many would doubt leaking him as a result.
In short, at LEVEL UP we always invite you to take all this type of information with reservations because it is something unofficial and may or may not happen (such as something that never existed or something that was canceled or delayed at the last minute).
As to Silent Hill Y metalgear, the information specifically shared by Dan Allen Gaming is false, but it is important to remember that it has not been the only source that has revealed leaks from both projects. Precisely the most relevant leak was made by Dusk Golem months ago, which included even images and details of the new game of Silent Hill and that Konami removed from the Internet for copyright reasons (even a filmmaker confessed that Konami plans to bring back Silent Hill!). So, perhaps as Dusk Golem mentions, it is simply a waiting game until Konami decides to make the information official. Either way, we’ll keep you posted.
(3/3) don’t know how many times I need to reiterate that.
For me, it’s a waiting game as it’s always been. I know right now a lot of the SH community has a lot of strong feelings on me, but I’ve never changed what I’ve said, because its the truth, & that will reveal eventually.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) September 21, 2022
What do you think of Dusk Golem’s response? Tell us in the comments.
You can find more news related to Silent Hill if you visit this page.
Related video: Do we need to talk about Silent Hill…
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