
Five “terrorists” and two soldiers killed in a military operation in Pakistan

Five "terrorists" and two soldiers killed in a military operation in Pakistan

May 26. (EUROPA PRESS) –

Five alleged “terrorists” and two soldiers, a soldier and a captain, died this Sunday in a military operation carried out in the district of Peshawar, in northern Pakistan.

The operation was launched after verifying the presence of “terrorists” in this area. “During the operation five terrorists were sent to hell and three terrorists were injured,” the Pakistani Armed Forces explained in a statement.

Captain Hussain Jahangir, 25, who was “leading his troops on the front”, and soldier Havildar Shafiqulá, 36, were also killed.

“A clearance operation is underway to eliminate any terrorists found in the area. Pakistan’s security forces are determined to eliminate the menace of terrorism and the sacrifices of the brave soldiers only strengthen our resolve,” he added.

Pakistan has witnessed an increase in terrorist activities – especially on the border with Afghanistan – over the past year after the Pakistani Taliban, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), announced in late November the end of the ceasefire agreed with the authorities amid contacts mediated by the Afghan Taliban after their takeover of power in Afghanistan in August 2021.

The TTP group, which differs from the Afghan Taliban in organizational matters but follows the same rigorous interpretation of Sunni Islam, brings together more than a dozen Islamist militant groups operating in Pakistan, where they have killed some 70,000 people in two decades of violence.

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