Science and Tech

First strike in Spain for the end of teleworking: Holaluz workers have denounced "a covert ERE"

Companies that have eliminated teleworking are facing a big problem: they take longer to fill their vacancies

The electricity company promised to bring “the revolution to the rooftops”, but after a very complicated year on a financial levelthe revolution has reached its workforce, calling for an indefinite strike. One of the reasons for this mobilization: the end of teleworking and the return to the in-person model.

Indefinite strike for January 14. According to a statement that UGT and CGT have sent to the press, the Holaluz Works Committee, supported by the company’s Workers’ Assembly, has called an indefinite strike for January 14 “due to the constant loss of rights.”

According to the statement that the union representatives have sent us, the measure responds to the immobility of the electricity company after presenting a Substantial Modification of Working Conditions (MSCT), in which the elimination of rights acquired by workers such as training in languages, health insurance or the total elimination of remote work.

From remote to in-person without negotiation. Union sources indicate that, in September 2024, Holaluz presented a plan to return to the office three days a week on a mandatory basis. In the opinion of the employees, “It is striking that this decision comes from a company that advocates sustainability and caring for the planet.”

In an internal survey in which 43.5% of its staff participated, 97.7% of its employees stated that they were not satisfied with applying a hybrid shift.

The company implemented teleworking in 2020 that had allowed many of its employees to move to rural environments and reduce their carbon footprint by not contributing to big city traffic. After putting it to a vote, 77% of the employees convened in the assembly voted not to accept the conditions of return to the proposed office. This refusal by its staff has led the company to withdraw its proposal and present a modification of conditions to return to the 100% in-person model for the entire workforce as of January 28, 2025.

Accusations of “covert ERE”. The workers’ statement denounces pressure from the management of Holaluz through a statement in which, according to union sources, those who did not want to comply with the new policy of returning to the office were invited to leave voluntarily.

According to the workers, the limited room for negotiation shown by the electricity company and the elimination of rights acquired by the workers denotes “the suspicion, on the part of the representation of the workers and the unions, that it is a covert ERE.” highlights the statement sent to the press by the UGT and CGT unions.

ERE and salary freeze. The company, which is facing a financial situation on the brink of bankruptcy, already filed for an ERE in November 2023. On that occasion, the company reduced its workforce by 27% after laying off 200 people, followed by another 30 departures until April 2024 and a dozen more in the second half of the year.

The workers’ statement indicates that, since then, the company has kept salaries frozen for the majority of its workers, pointing to that moment as the beginning of the escalation in the reduction of their rights.

Financial problems and new investors. Since its creation more than 15 years ago, the company had financed itself by betting on self-consumption by marketing 100% renewable electricity.

However, in the last two years the company has been experiencing a progressive financial deterioration that was mitigated with the contribution of 22 million euros by Icosium Investment, as how he published Expansion.

From Xataka we have requested comments from Holaluz and its representatives, but at the time of publishing this news we have not received a response from the company.

In Xataka | “It is not a hidden layoff”: Amazon’s CEO has denied that returning to the office is an excuse to reduce his workforce

Image | Hellolight

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