Science and Tech

First practical project to create an experimental wormhole

An artist's rendering resembling a cosmological wormhole if it existed in nature.

An artist’s rendering resembling a cosmological wormhole if it existed in nature. – BRISTOL UNIVERSITY

March 13 () –

The first practical project to create a wormhole in the laboratory that serves as a bridge between space and the interior of the universe has been presented by the University of Bristol.

Through an innovative computer scheme, published in the journal Quantum Science and Technologywhich takes advantage of the basic laws of physics, this technology of the ‘counter transport’ it can reconstitute a small object through space without any particles crossing it. Among other things, it is a “irrefutable proof” of the existence of a physical reality that supports our most accurate description of the world, reports the University of Bristol it’s a statement.

Physicist Hatim Salih, study author, honorary researcher at the University’s Quantum Engineering Technology (QET) Laboratories, and co-founder of the company DotQuantum, said: “This is a milestone for which we have been working for many years. It provides both a theoretical and practical framework for re-exploring enduring puzzles about the universe, such as the true nature of space-time.”

The need for detectable information carriers that travel when we communicate has been a deeply held assumption among scientistsFor example, a stream of photons that crosses an optical fiber, or through the air, that allows people to read this text. Or, indeed, the myriad neural signals that bounce around the brain doing so.

According to the University of Bristol, this holds true even for quantum teleportation, which, Star Trek aside, transfers complete information about a small object, allowing it to be reconstituted elsewhere, making it indistinguishable in any meaningful way from the original. original, which disintegrates. The latter guarantees a fundamental limit that prevents the perfect copy. In particular, the recent simulation of a wormhole in Google’s Sycamore processor is essentially a teleportation experiment.

Hatim said: “Here is the sharp distinction. Although counter-transport achieves the ultimate goal of teleportation, that is, incorporeal transport, It does this surprisingly without any detectable information carriers traveling through it.”

Wormholes became popular with the hit movie Interstellar, which featured physicist and Nobel Prize winner Kip Thorne among its team. But they surfaced about a century ago as wacky solutions to Einstein’s equation of gravity, like shortcuts in the fabric of spacetime. However, the task that defines a traversable wormhole can be summed up as making space disjunctively traversable, that is, that there is no travel through observable space outside the wormhole.


This pioneering research proposes a way to accomplish this task. “To make counter-transportation a reality, you have to build an entirely new kind of quantum computer: one without exchange, in which the communicating parts do not exchange particlesHatim explains.

“Unlike large-scale quantum computers, which promise dramatic speed gains and which no one yet knows how to build, the promise of swapless quantum computers, even on the smallest scale, is to make seemingly impossible tasks possible, such as counterportation, fundamentally incorporating space together with time”.

In collaboration with leading British quantum experts from Bristol, Oxford and York, this otherworldly-sounding wormhole is being planned to be physically built in the laboratory.

“The goal in the near future is to physically build a wormhole in the laboratory, that can be used as a test bed for rival physical theories, including quantum gravityHatim added.

“This work will be in the vein of multi-billion dollar companies that exist to witness new physical phenomena, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), but with a fraction of the resources Our hope is to ultimately provide remote access to local wormholes for physicists, physics hobbyists, and enthusiasts to explore fundamental questions about the universe, including the existence of higher dimensions.”

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