The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) has been designing, together with the Secretariat for Agricultural Development of the Government of Risaralda in Colombia, a methodology to strengthen the digital agricultural extension process. As part of the process, face-to-face training activities aimed at producers of banana, cocoa, blackberry, coffee and cane mainly are accompanied.
On June 28, ECLAC will participate in the activity called: “Field day in plantain cultivation”, where some Colombian public institutions such as the National Learning Service (SENA), the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), the Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA) and the Agrarian Bank of Colombia, among others, will share information against diseases such as “moko” in Musaceae; production of biopreparations and organic fertilizers; seed management in plantain; management of the banana bag; credits in agriculture and free courses for the agricultural sector.