economy and politics

Feijóo is the worst valued political leader among his own voters

Feijóo is the worst valued political leader among his own voters

Of the group of political leaders, the PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is the one most valued by his own voters. While 74.8% of socialist voters approve of the President of the Government and leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, only 66.1% of PP voters endorse Feijóo. His assessment is also below the percentage of approval that the Vox leader achieves from far-right voters (75.3%) or the 80% of Sumar voters who support the second vice president and minister. of Labor, Yolanda Díaz.

The Simple Lógica survey for also indicates that both Sánchez’s and Díaz’s management receive the approval not only of their voters but also of their respective coalition partner in the progressive Government. In the case of the President of the Executive, his management receives the approval of 78% of Sumar voters. And 61.7% of socialist voters support the second vice president.

On the right, however, a greater division is perceived. Only 30% of PP voters approve of Santiago Abascal and only 38.6% of Vox voters endorse Feijóo, according to the study carried out between May 1 and 9.

The leader of the PP is also located at the lowest part of the table in terms of the general assessment of citizens. The Simple Lógica study indicates that only 25% of Spaniards approve it, while Sánchez is the best rated, obtaining the approval of 35% of citizens. Just behind the president is Yolanda Díaz, approved by 32.9% of those surveyed. Santiago Abascal remains at the tail end, with only 17.3% of Spaniards approving.

Feijóo’s rating has not stopped falling since November, when Sánchez managed to be sworn in as Prime Minister in the Congress of Deputies, just two months after the PP leader’s attempt failed. Neither the very harsh speech of the right against the amnesty law, nor its permanent disqualifications of the progressive Executive have managed to raise the level of approval of the top leader of the opposition.

In fact, although Feijóo remains in third place as in previous studies, he falls more than one point compared to the previous month, and is the only one of the four main political leaders who worsens in May. Abascal rises significantly and goes from 13.5% approval level in April to 17.3% in May. Sánchez has also improved by more than one point, rising from 33.8% last month to the current 35%. And Díaz has added two tenths in the last month.

The vote estimate made by Simple Lógica also shows that the PP has been the potential winner of new general elections for months, although with less and less advantage over the PSOE. After three months of decline, Feijóo’s team has gone from surpassing the Socialists by seven points in January to falling below five points. Sánchez’s party, however, has not managed to reduce that advantage further and has been stagnant for months.

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