
False flag in Europe

False flag in Europe

The modern world has never had a good relationship with the truth, which is why it has been built in opposition to it. As a way to emancipate and free oneself from reality, heTruth has been identified as the main enemy of this confusing world full of pain.senselessness and war.

This atavistic rejection of truth can only mean fascination with deception, appearance, trompe l'oeil and manipulation. A world where the diffuse meets victimhood. Such is the falsehood of our time that postmodernity was built around a lie that they treacherously called post-truth, (the deliberate distortion of a reality to manipulate emotions and beliefs to control public opinion and social behaviors). The name of things is the last place to find some honesty. Democracy, diversity, multiculturalism, freedom.

A world turned upside down, in which trust has been broken, in which good They do horrible and miserable things and all words have lost their meaning, until they express the opposite. A world where there is no gender, in which men are women and women do not want to be. Where there are no nations, nor does History exist. There is no democracy, no justice, no social contract. A modern world that killed God to achieve the promise of unlimited freedom, an open society, in which we are more slaves than ever who believe we live in abundance.

Such is the lie in our generation, that they replaced our housing with a designer mobile phone, and they called that impoverishment with fake photos on Instagram progress. Empty consumption is a bulimic life of lies. A world of rodents that run in a hamster wheel that they spin, produce, but do not advance chasing a TikTok video where a piece of cheese appears, whose video they change when they want it to modify its behavior. We cannot aspire to more in a world that has outlawed Truth and honestly posed doubt.

A world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in which not even a photo of British royalty is real anymore. The news media does not provide information, but propaganda, the message of power. We are a society so submissive and destroyed that it doubts what its own eyes see until it has been published by El País or the New York Times. As if the brainwashed with advertising did not give itself permission to think, for fear of being left out of a herd.

We are a society so submissive and destroyed that it doubts what its own eyes see until it has been published by El País or the New York Times.

The situation is extremely serious, I would not alter the Easter retreat if it were not like that. We live in a pre-war environment in Europe with the same unconsciousness and frivolity as we did before the First World War. But now in the post-truth world.

Anxiety is perceived in the statements of Western politicians for the definitive spark to trigger a Third World War. In Moscow, 140 people have been murdered at a concert by mercenaries from Tajikistan hired for €10,000 through the Telegram application. Terrorism and globalism: relocation of cheap labor controlled by a technology application. The atrocious attack has been claimed by ISIS, but no one has paid much attention to it. People are tired of intermediaries, proxy wars and false flags. ¿What is the Islamic State doing now in Moscow? It can only make sense if we look at who is really behind ISIS and not who they say they are.

Anxiety is perceived in the statements of Western politicians for the definitive spark to trigger a Third World War.

Wars in postmodernity are outsourced to organizations created for this purpose to maintain a hypnotic narrative of domination over democracy and victimhood. The important thing is the business. For the industry to work, it is necessary to create a market, where war occurs, and “voluntary” investors, taxpayers, those who must be kept in a democratic fiction story so that they do not rebel against the plundering of their pockets in a war economy or the levying of their children. Modern war is a transfer of income from many poor to a few rich at the cost of destroying nations, peoples and generations.

Josep Borrell High Representative of the EU warned a truth and a lie on . «We cannot allow Russia to win the war, otherwise American and European interests would be harmed. It is not a question of generosity, of supporting Ukraine because we love the Ukrainian people. It is a matter of our own interest.

He recognizes that this war is in the interest of the US, and his own. Borrell is one of that globalist elite of bureaucrats in Europe who do not identify with the tragedy that a war represents for the nations and peoples they want to destroy, but with the business that generates that destruction and the commission or incentive they receive. They support the escalation of the war because they care about Europe as much as they care about the lives of Ukrainians or about you and your family, nothing.

The lie is that the interests of a transnational elite in the United States are the same as those of the American people, much less those of Europe. We are trapped in a fake democracy that takes us with frivolous fervor to a real Third World War that no one wants. I can only ask for sanity and serenity. I know that the Truth is much more powerful and will prevail.

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