economy and politics

FAC flies over the Nevado del Ruíz Volcano amid orange alert

FAC flies over the Nevado del Ruíz Volcano amid orange alert

In the midst of the orange alert due to the volcanic activity that the Nevado del Ruiz Volcanodifferent government entities have monitored, from their possibilities, the development of this natural event.

Besides of Colombian Geological Servicethe body responsible for observing and updating information about the volcano, other government bodies have also done their part in the face of the situation.

(Crater of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano reaches a temperature of 700 °C).

One of these in the Colombian Air Force (FAC)which has been making constant observation of the volcano, making overflights over the top of the mountain and evidencing from a closer position the column of gases emitted, as well as an overhead view of the Arenas crater.

Overflights at 30,000 feet with SR-560 type aircraft, equipped with optronic systems, provide real-time images to maintain alertness and prioritize protocols in case of an emergency”, Mentioned the Ministry of Defense on its official Twitter account.

(Nevado del Ruiz volcano: higher level of activity detected in the area).

Volcanic activity on April 21

In its last extraordinary bulletin, the SGC has informed that Ruiz has maintained continuity in the fracturing of rock inside the volcanic edifice, as well as a seismic intensity similar to previous days.

(Nevado del Ruiz: the SGC explains supposed fragmentation in the volcano).

Likewise, the entity added that the seismicity associated with the movement of fluids is persistent, which has caused the exit from steam from water, ash and volcanic gases towards the atmosphere.

The column of gauze, for its part, managed to reach a height of 1,300 meters from the top of the crater, which had a slight deviation towards the southwest of the volcano. Thermal anomalies and sulfur dioxide emission still persist, which has been appreciable from satellite monitoring platforms.

(Nevado del Ruiz: probability of eruption is higher than 10 years ago).


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