Science and Tech

Everything you need to know about air conditioning

Air conditioning is a device that reduces the temperature of the environment where it is located through a refrigeration cycle. This type of equipment does not generate cold air, but rather reduces the outside air temperature to the set point designated by the user.

Its refrigeration system uses a compressor, a type of engine that passes a refrigerant gas through copper pipes, changing its state from liquid to gaseous and vice versa. Thus, the low temperatures generated by passing the liquid into gas are used to cool the air and condition the environment.

However, the compressor consumes electricity to achieve this phase change in the refrigerant substance. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the cost of the electricity bill, especially in summer, when it is hotter, as well as the health issues involved in using air conditioners.

Importance of evaluating the cost of electricity in summer

In summer, there are many rooms inside the home that need to be heated to resist the high temperatures generated. However, with the constant variations in the cost of electricity, you must predict the best hours to keep the equipment on and thus achieve a balance between the cost of electricity and air conditioning.

Generally, a central air conditioner has an electrical consumption of 3000 to 3500 W per hour. While traditional window devices consume between 900 to 1440 W and portable devices consume about 200 to 4100 W.

However, these values ​​may vary depending on other factors such as weather, especially in summer, the set temperature setting, etc. So, it is crucial to have a calculator to determine the price of electricity tomorrow and anticipate what to do to reduce electricity consumption or not exceed the established daily limit.

What time to turn on the air conditioning in summer?

It is significant that you only use the air conditioning in the afternoons (2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.) to reduce the cost of the monthly electricity bill in summer. Well, this time is when the heat is most intense and when you really should air condition the room to make it more cozy.

Furthermore, after 6:00 p.m. the cost of electricity usually increases, everything will depend on the contracted electrical service provider, so it is better to maintain the room temperature to reduce financial costs.

The price of electricity can vary significantly during the day. Knowing in advance when it will be cheaper will allow you to schedule the use of the air conditioning at those times, taking advantage electricity rates lower and generating significant savings

What setting temperature to set while the air conditioner is on?

The air conditioning thermostat must be set between 23 and 25 °C, since according to the criteria of the Regulation of Thermal Installations in Buildings (RITE), this is the ideal temperature in summer when you do not do physical activity.

If it decreases below 23 degrees, you will make the air drier and increase the electrical consumption of the compressor. Well, you have to work harder to reach the specified set point

Effects of air conditioners on health

Although air conditioners give the sensation of reducing the temperature of the space where they are located, we must also know that they can cause health complications when used excessively.

In fact, some studies suggest that people who use an air conditioner for a long time, especially in summer, tend to require medical attention in the future. Next, these are the effects that you should take into account when using this type of equipment:


The rate of dehydration is higher in people who are in an air-conditioned space. Generally, this complication occurs because you inhale a lot of humidity from the environment and lose care in consuming water. This happens especially when it is cold, as the coolness you feel reduces the feeling of needing water.

Migraine or headache

Another complication is that when the temperature is not adequately controlled, you become more susceptible to migraines, especially due to the quality of the air you inhale. It is also possible that dehydration can cause headaches, so it is advisable to leave the place where the air conditioning is located several times a day and drink water.

Respiratory complications

Poor quality air affects the nose, eyes and throat, in addition, the cold affects the vocal cords and irritates the bronchi. This effect occurs more if you spend a lot of time in an air-conditioned room.

According to studies, 28% of people who spend a lot of time in an air-conditioned space have experienced rhinitis, compared to only 5% of those who spend more time in a naturally ventilated room. 35% of those who live in places with cold air have suffered nasal obstruction, compared to 9% of those who live in naturally ventilated places.

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