
Europe, the living image of a world that is warming due to climate change

Wind power helps a low-carbon economy.

Temperatures in Europe have risen more than twice the global average over the past 30 years, the highest of any continent in the world, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The State of the Climate in Europe Report reveals that as the continent’s warming trend continues, exceptional heat, wildfires, floods and other effects of climate change will affect Europe’s society, economy and ecosystems. the region.

Prepared jointly with the Copernicus Climate Change Service* of the European Union, the report indicates that temperatures in Europe have increased significantly during the period 1991-2021, at an average rate of about +0.5 °C per decade.

As a consequence, alpine glaciers have lost 30 meters of ice thickness between 1997 and 2021. The Greenland ice sheet is melting and contributing to accelerating sea level rise. In the summer of 2021, Greenland experienced a widespread melting event and the first rain ever recorded at its highest pointSummit station.

In 2021 alone, extreme weather and climate events caused hundreds of deaths, directly affected more than half a million people, and caused economic damage in excess of $50 billion. About 84% of these events were floods or storms.

It’s not all bad news. Several countries in Europe have been very successful in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In particular, in the European Union greenhouse gas emissions decreased 31% between 1990 and 2020with a net reduction target of 55% by 2030.

Europe is also one of the most advanced regions in transboundary cooperation for adaptation to climate change, in particular in transnational river basins. And it is one of the world leaders in providing effective early warning systems, with 75% of people protected. Heat action plans have saved many lives from extreme heat waves.

World Bank/Jutta Benzenberg

Wind power helps a low-carbon economy.

But the challenges are formidable

Europe presents a vivid picture of a warming world and it reminds us that even well-prepared societies are not safe from the impacts of extreme weather events. This year, as in 2021, large parts of Europe have been affected by extensive heat waves and droughts that have fueled wildfires. In 2021, exceptional flooding caused deaths and devastation,” recalled the secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization.

Professor Petteri Taalas commented that, with regard to the climate change mitigation chapter, the good pace of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the region must continue while it must continue to increase its ambition to counteract the impact of climate change. climate.

“Europe can play a key role in achieving a carbon-neutral society by mid-century and meeting the Paris Agreement,” said Professor Taalas.

“European society is vulnerable to climate variability and change, but Europe is also is at the forefront of the international effort to mitigate climate change and develop innovative solutions to adapt to the new climate that the continent’s citizens will have to live with,” said Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service at the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

future scenarios

According to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Group on Climate Change Experts, weather, climate and water-related disasters are expected to increase in the future. The document determines that there is a high possibility that:

  • temperatures will increase in all European areas at a rate higher than the global average temperature, similar to past observations and independent of future levels of global warming
  • the frequency and intensity of extreme temperatures, including marine heat waves, will continue to increase regardless of the greenhouse gas emissions scenario, with critical thresholds for ecosystems and humans either 2 degrees Celsius or higher
  • summer rainfall in the Mediterranean will decrease, spreading to northern regions, while extreme rainfall and pluvial flooding will increase, in all regions except the Mediterranean
In the summer of 2022, temperatures of 40°C were recorded for the first time in the UK.

In the summer of 2022, temperatures of 40°C were recorded for the first time in the UK.

Impacts of climate change on health

The health of Europeans is being and will be affected by climate change in multiple waysincluding death caused by increasingly frequent extreme weather events, such as heat waves.

Health will also be affected through various ailments, with the increase in zoonoses and diseases transmitted by food, water and vectors, to which must be added mental health problems.

The deadliest extreme weather events in Europe are heat waves, especially in the west and south of the continent. The combination of climate change, urbanization, and an aging population in the region is aggravating and will further aggravate vulnerability to heat.

Climate change-induced alterations in the production and distribution of pollens and spores may lead to an increase in allergic disorders. More than 24% of adults living in the European region suffer from various allergies, including severe asthma, while the proportion among children in the region is 30-40% and rising.

Climate change also affects the distribution of vector-borne diseases. For example, ticks (Ixodes ricinus), which can spread Lyme disease and encephalitis.

According to the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organizationabout half a million premature deaths in the European region were caused by anthropogenic fine particulate matter air pollution in 2019, of which a significant part was directly related to the burning of fossil fuels.

It is estimated that Some 138,000 premature deaths a year could be avoided by reducing carbon emissionswhich could represent a saving of between 244,000 and 564,000 million dollars.

UNICEFfor its part, points out that some 125 million children, who are more vulnerable to extreme weather events, run different health risks in the region

Impact on ecosystems and transport

Climate change is also having a serious impact on European ecosystems. For example, most of the damage caused by forest fires is due to extreme events for which neither ecosystems nor communities are adapted.

Climate change, human behavior and other underlying factors are creating the conditions for more frequent, intense and devastating fires in Europe, with important socio-economic and ecological consequences.

Regarding transport, transport infrastructures and operations are at risk of different consequences, since they were built on the basis of historical values ​​of meteorological phenomena, therefore they are not resistant to current extremes.

It is estimated that 35% of the surface of the European Union will be subject to high water stress in the 2070s.

It is estimated that 35% of the surface of the European Union will be subject to high water stress in the 2070s.

climate policy

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the plans in which each country presents its climate action commitments under the Paris Agreement, embody efforts to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. As of March 2022, 51 European countries and the European Union had submitted one of those plans.

Climate change mitigation has been a primary objective of many European countries, especially in the following areas:

  • the power supply
  • the Agriculture
  • waste
  • land use
  • land use change
  • forestry

In 2021, the European Union, in its climate law, made climate neutrality, the goal of net zero emissions by 2050, legally binding. A provisional target of 55% reduction in emissions was set for 2030.

*The Copernicus service provides state-of-the-art climate monitoring data and tools to support climate mitigation and adaptation and initiatives such as the European Green Deal

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