
EU leaders advocate seeking improvements in relations with Türkiye without neglecting a solution for Cyprus

EU leaders advocate seeking improvements in relations with Türkiye without neglecting a solution for Cyprus

BRUSSELS, April 18 () –

The leaders of the European Union agreed this Wednesday to advance measures that improve relations with Turkey, including the modernization of customs, increasing the political relationship and foreign policy affinity with Ankara, but without neglecting the negotiation process to resolve the issue. from Cyprus.

As highlighted at the end of the extraordinary summit in Brussels by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, there has been unity among the Twenty-Seven when approaching this debate in a “strategic” manner and he has underlined the will to “commit in a positive way.” to “develop a stable relationship” with Turkey.

In their conclusions after the meeting in which they discussed strategic relations with Ankara, the heads of State and Government commit to advancing technical work to improve relations with Turkey following a “gradual, proportionate and reversible” approach.

This approach responds to the bloc's “strategic interest” in having a “stable and secure environment in the Mediterranean”, indicating the need to have a “cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship with Turkey”, a candidate country for EU accession and ally. of NATO.

Based on the report of the High Representative, Josep Borrell, the 27 will advance recommendations to strengthen relations, conclusions that point to the option of modernizing the customs union, facilitating the visa policy, under the condition that Ankara takes seriously combat Russia's attempts to evade sanctions and move closer to the EU's foreign policy.

Likewise, European leaders emphasize that “Turkey's own constructive commitment will be decisive in advancing the various areas of cooperation.” The European bloc reiterates the importance it gives to the Cyprus issue, which is why it underlines the need to resume and make progress in the talks for an agreement on the island, divided after the Turkish invasion of 1974.

The EU mentions the United Nations resolutions to resolve the Cyprus problem and indicates that any solution must be in line with the principles of the Union, also welcoming the appointment of the new UN envoy for Cyprus, María Angela Holguín Cuéllar, and making clear his intention to collaborate in the process.

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