economy and politics

‘Emergency constitutionality in La Guajira is not clear’: Fenalco

'Emergency constitutionality in La Guajira is not clear': Fenalco

The National Federation of Consumers (Fenalco) spoke before the eventual ratification of the state of economic, social and ecological emergency in the department of La Guajira by the President Gustavo Petro.

Through a statement, the union assured that the state of emergency it lacks clarity in its objective of developing the solutions that it proposes for the territory.

(Government ready decree for state of emergency in La Guajira).

It is up to the Constitutional Court to determine whether the lack of water and child malnutrition, which are structural problems and come from a long time ago, or in the case of the El Niño Phenomenon, which is a future event, of which the consequences are unknown; they constitute surviving facts, which give legal validity to the declaration of emergency or if, on the contrary, they could be addressed with ordinary powers and without the need for extra resources, but rather the current budget of the Nation“, explained Fenalco

(Benedetti’s explanation for continuing as ambassador to Venezuela).

Additionally, the association emphasized the country’s departments that are also facing situations similar to La Guajira, mentioning the lack of access to drinking water, and infant mortality.

(The ‘scolding’ of Claudia López to Petro for the insecurity in Bogotá).

Clearly, we support the need for the National Government to efficiently, quickly and definitively address the crisis due to the lack of drinking water and infant mortality, not only in La Guajira, but also in departments such as Vaupés, Vichada and Chocó, where the situation is equal or more serious. However, the solution to this drama, evident for some time, even before last year’s tax reform, should have been considered within the budget addition of about 17 trillion pesos, recently approved, under ordinary constitutional conditions.“, affirmed Jaime Alberto Cabal, president of Fenalco.

(How much will the payroll of the new Ministry of Equality and Equity cost).

Lastly, from Fenalco he mentioned that there needs to be a political control to the state of emergencywell, according to the Constitutionallows the president to issue decrees “with the material effect of a law, gathering in the Government, not only the ordinary powers of the executive, but also those of the legislator“.


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