Science and Tech

Electric companies will no longer be able to change our supplier without permission: crossing CUPS is no longer an excuse

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There are certain practices that should be persecuted, but until now no one had prevented them. This is the case of the problem known as the crossing of CUPS; a bug used by the power companies to change our electricity marketer without our consent.

Today the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) has published a binding resolution where it forces to implement a series of measures. Endesa, Naturgy, Iberdrola and Holaluz They are the electricity companies that the CNMC accuses of this problem.

Complaints about these “erroneous” changes of the marketer increased by 360% in 2021, according to points out the CNMC and during the first half of 2022 they continued to grow. Now they have decided to apply new measures to put an end to the ‘CUPS crossover’, which accounts for 31% of the claims of changes without consent.

CUPS crossover is quite a problem

From now on, electricity companies will be obliged to request confirmation of consumer data, in case they detect discrepancies in the information.

It will be the electricity companies who will have the obligation to verify and rule out that there is a CUPS crossing, when there is a possible supply cut or change. Companies shall show clearly and separated from the customer the trinomial owner-supply point address-CUPS, so that there is no confusion and it is clear that the CUPS belongs to the correct customer.

And another change is that it will no longer work to change the vendor without consent. In the event that there is a problem with the data, the responsible retailer company must replace the supply point to the previous retailer. Nothing to change it without permission or consent.

The CUPS crossover occurred mainly when the electricity company erroneously assigned the CUPS of another customer. This is an important problem, since the consumptions that are applied to him are those of the other person. The consumer who loses his usual CUPS you may face power outages and in fact he is unaware of part of the process, since he is no longer listed as the owner in the distributor.

Endesa, Naturgy, Iberdrola and Holaluz have one month from now to remedy the CUPS crossing problem or they will face sanctions. According to data from the CNMC, Endesa is the company that made the most CUPS crossings in 2021 and 2022, 29%.

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