economy and politics

ECLAC discusses the impacts of climate change at the IV Local Economic Development Forum

Climate change was the central theme of ECLAC’s participation in the fourth edition of the Regional Forum on Local Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean, the largest local development event in the region, held in Montevideo, on Monday, 26 August to Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

More than 200 representatives of international, national and local organizations; of subnational governments and city networks; from companies, institutions and other private entities; of research centers in the region and development agents; from academia and social organizations will participate in the workshops and exhibition panels, to exchange experiences, good practices and reflect on local development, from an inclusive, sustainable and equitable perspective.

ECLAC organized the debate workshop “Climate change in local economic development”, which aimed to discuss the potential of local action to promote economic development in sectors that contribute to a more productive, inclusive and sustainable future; and how city networks and different levels of government could coordinate their actions to promote local economic development. Bruno Lana, Economic Affairs Officer of the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division of ECLAC moderated the session, in which the following participated:

– Juan Pablo Poletti, Mayor of Santa Fe, Argentina.

– Laura Lacuague Pérez, Joint Coordinator of the Environmental Unit, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining, Uruguay.

– Alejandro Zlotolow, Secretary of the Government of Godoy Cruz, Argentina.

– Valentina Perrotta, ECLAC Consultant, teacher and researcher University of the Republic, Uruguay

– Mariana Ortiz, Technical Secretary of RODE OPP

– Carlos da Fonseca, Coordinator of International Affairs of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil.

At the table “Impact of climate change on economic development”, also organized by ECLAC jointly with ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, Bruno Lana presented the results of the study “The economics of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2023: financing needs and policy tools for the transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies.” The ECLAC document estimates the financial value of the impacts of climate change on the region’s economies, the productivity losses related to extreme events and the costs of inaction.

In the final declaration of the forum, it is recognized that climate change is one of the main challenges of our time, with profound impacts on economic and social development, making it urgent to adopt measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote transitions fairs towards a green economy.

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