Science and Tech

DuckDuckGo anonymizes the use of generative AI chatbots with its new tool

DuckDuckGo anonymizes the use of generative AI chatbots with its new tool

June 7 (Portaltic/EP) –

DuckDuckGo has announced a new free tool that gives “anonymous” access to the most popular generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbos, preventing user interactions from being used for training.

DuckDuckGo AI Chat addresses privacy concerns surrounding the use of generative AI. Specific, prevents the conversation from being traced back to a single individual, for which it removes the user’s IP and offers its own IP. “This way it will appear that the requests come from us and not from you,” the company stated in its official blog.

The use of AI Chat is optional and has its own website. In it, the user can choose the chatbot or the large language model (LLM) they want to use, from among those currently available: GPT 3.5 Turbo by OpenAI, Claude 3 Haiku by Anthropic and open source options Mixtral 8x7B and Meta Llama 3.

The company also ensures that it “does not save or store any chat”, although it clarifies that those responsible for the models and chatbots can do so temporarily, except for metadata, such as personal information, which is deleted.

“We have agreements with all model providers to ensure that all saved chats are completely removed by suppliers within 30 daysand that none of the chats made on our platform can be used to train or improve the models”,

DuckDuckGo plans to expand AI Chat options and incorporate more chat models, potentially including self-hosted or user-hosted options.

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