
Donor conference for Syria raises $5.6 billion to care for war victims

Donor conference for Syria raises $5.6 billion to care for war victims


The international conference of donors for Syria organized by the European Union has raised 5,600 million to care for victims of the war both within the country and in neighboring countries that host millions of refugees, of which 3,800 correspond to the contribution of the European Union itself .

Specifically, 4,600 million euros will be allocated to meet the needs of the most fragile groups this year and another 1,000 million are reserved for 2024 and future years.

Of the total funds raised with this initiative, 3,800 million bear the stamp of the European institutions, since 2,100 million have been committed by the European Commission and another 1,700 million by the EU Member States.

This is the 7th edition of the donor conference organized by Brussels after more than a decade of war in Syria. Since 2011, the European block as a whole has mobilized more than 30,000 million to support the Syrian community in Syria and in the countries of the area.

The meeting has also served for European diplomacy to reiterate its position of not normalizing relations with Damascus and maintaining sanctions against the Bashar al Assad regime.

“We are the largest donor to the Syrian people. And this conference shows that, even in the 13th year of the conflict, we continue to support the Syrian people, regardless of what happens in our neighbourhood”, said the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy , Josep Borrell.

In this sense, he reiterated that the EU has not changed its position with regard to Syria, after Al Assad’s return to the international scene and after the countries of the Arab League agreed to reinstate Syria as a full member of the organization.

“We will not reestablish full diplomatic relations with the Assad regime, nor will we begin to work on reconstruction, until there is a genuine and complete political transition,” he indicated, who has indicated that the EU will maintain its sanctions against the regime as long as it does not take steps. in that direction.

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