Science and Tech

Donanemab: Treatment for early-stage Alzheimer’s disease approved by the FDA

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration)) of the United States reported that there was Drug approved for early treatment of Alzheimer’s. Is about Kisunla (donanemab-azbt350 mg/20 mL injection once a month for intravenous infusion), a drug manufactured by Eli Lilly and Company.

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According to the company, this medicine It may be used by adult patients with early symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease (AD)), which includes people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), as well as people with the mild dementia stage of AD, with confirmed amyloid pathology.

According to the company, this medicine “It is the first and only therapy targeting amyloid plaque with evidence to support treatment discontinuation when amyloid plaques are cleared, which may result in lower treatment costs and fewer infusions“.

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“SWe know that these medications have the greatest potential benefit when people receive treatment at an earlier stage of their disease, and we are working hard in partnership with others to improve detection and diagnosis“said Anne White, executive vice president and president of Lilly Neuroscience, Eli Lilly and Company.

It is worth noting that the company demonstrated through uIn a phase 3 clinical study the effectiveness of the drug. According to the results presented, “Those individuals treated with Kisunla who were less advanced in their disease showed a significant slowing of deterioration of 35% compared to placebo“.

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Additionally, among the general population of participants, Kisunla reduced amyloid plaques by an average of 61% at 6 months, 80% at 12 months, and 84% at 18 months. compared to the start of the study.

Amyloid is a protein produced naturally in the body which can clump together to create amyloid plaques. Excessive accumulation of amyloid plaques in the brain can cause memory problems and thinking associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

The cost of the treatment would be as follows: For six doses, equivalent to one application for six months, it would cost US$12,522. For 13 doses, equivalent to a one-year treatment, it would be US$32,000 and for 19 doses over 18 months it would cost US$48,696.

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This means that the price of an individual dose ranges between US$2,087 and US$2,562.The total cost of Kisunla will vary from patient to patient depending on when they complete treatment. The FDA dosing instructions state that physicians may consider discontinuing Kisunla dosing based on clearance of amyloid plaques to minimal levels, as seen on amyloid PET imaging.“, the pharmaceutical company assures.


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