Being part of the Aerospace Force is a dream for millions of young Colombians who have a vocation to serve the country, and now they have the opportunity to fulfill it through an open call for a course for non-commissioned officers. What requirements must you meet to be part of this institution?
Considered one of the most prestigious and most loved tasks in Colombia thanks to its credibility and recognition, The Air Force continues to be an open door for those seeking a professional future and at the same time serve the country with honor and dedication.
Depending on the courses and careers you want to take, the requests vary, however, there are some general characteristics that are needed to enter the institution.
On the FAC page itself they give you answers to frequently asked questions, including:
1. Up to what age can you enter?
-Regular Officer: must be under 21 years old
-Regular Non-Commissioned Officer: under 23 years old.
-Administrative Body: under 28 years old
-Officers Promotion Course: under 24 years old.
-Professional technicians or Technologists: under 28 years old
-NCO Ranking Course: under 24 years old.
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Colombian Air Force
Source: Colombian Air Force – Official Page
2. What are the requirements to enter the FAC?
The requirements may vary according to the course you wish to enroll in, they are categorized by:
-Academic training.
-Have Colombian nationality and have no disciplinary, criminal or administrative record. On the website www.incorporació You can consult the detailed information of each call.
3.What is the minimum score required for the Saber 11 Tests to enter the FAC?
For the Regular Officer Course, you must have obtained a minimum average of:
-55 between mathematics and natural sciences
-45 in critical reading.
4.What is the minimum English score to enter the FAC?
No minimum score is required for the training courses; the test is developed in order to verify the applicant’s basic knowledge at levels A1, A2 and B1.
5.When do the calls open?
Every year, the Colombian Air Force opens the calls like this:
– Regular courses (Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer): first quarter of the year.
– Administrative and Escalation Course (Non-commissioned officers): first quarter of the year.
– Administrative Course (Officials): last semester of the year.
– Escalafonation Course (Officials): according to institutional needs.
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