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Horizon Forbidden West It debuted at the beginning of the year and, although it continued Aloy’s story in a good way, many already want to try more content from this universe. The first installment had an expansion and fans think that the same will happen with the new installment and that Guerrilla Games is already working on it.
Without going into details, as happened with the first installment, Horizon Forbidden West left the story open to be continued in a third installment, something that Guerrilla Games has not hidden, or through DLC.
However, the studio has not said anything about specific plans to further develop Horizon Forbidden Westbut movement performance activity seems to give away that work is already being done on it.
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Is Guerrilla Games working on new content for Horizon Forbidden West?
The community has been thinking about the above after recent posts from Peggy Vrijens, a motion actress who handled the motion capture of Aloy’s action scenes.
Via Instagram, this Dutch actress shared a video of herself having fun in her motion capture outfit and mentioning that she’s “ready for some motion capture,” which was enough to spark speculation about the possibility of that the motion capture I was talking about was for Horizon Forbidden West.
There were fans who also thought that it could be a project of Horizonbut precisely in virtual reality, Horizon Call of the Mountain.
In case you missed it: Horizon Forbidden West he already won his first GOTY.
However, it’s important to remember that this new game will present a story through the eyes of another character, not Aloy’s. Although it is not ruled out that the young woman appears in the VR title, the title will be in the first person, so Aloy will not be seen on the screen as in previous deliveries, so it does not make much sense that the movement actress is doing action scenes for this title.
On the other hand, there were those who thought that the actress could be participating in another project outside of Horizon, which is very possible. However, another detail that suggests that it is a new expansion of the franchise is that Vrijens shared another publication in which he appears with Louis van Beek, a movement actor who also appeared in Horizon Forbidden West not only voicing Walla, but also doing motion capture work.
Horizon Zero Dawn received its expansion about 9 months after its premiere, so if Horizon Forbidden West will have DLC should have a similar development time and we should hear about it soon.
We will keep you informed.
would you like that Horizon Forbidden West have DLC? Tell us in the comments.
Horizon Forbidden West is available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. You can find out more about it by visiting its file or by consulting our written review.
Related video: Horizon Forbidden West – Preview Cinematic Trailer
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