economy and politics

Discussion – Differential approach in public policies for development and territorial ordering

Between August and September 2022, the ILPES/CEPAL Planning, Government and Development Network held the discussion forum “Differential approach in the formulation of public development and territorial planning policies”, the participants made important reflections on the need to : 1) recognize diversity (actors, territories, institutions, historical moments) as a characteristic from which to build and that allows adaptation and contextualized planning, 2) articulate development and territorial ordering to achieve the realization of inclusion and the reduction of territorial gaps, 3) advance in the participatory construction of common visions of the territory/s, transcending from the merely instrumental to the understanding and management of conflicts, to promote scenarios where we are good neighbors for the good of all, 4 ) of action-research-management, as a process that allows the generation or recognition of knowledge and the joint construction for an effective intervention, 5) the clarification of the roles of the actors but also to identify and facilitate the complementarity between them, 6) the Biodiversity management as an urgent and transversal element in the application of the SDGs and in development planning, as a fundamental pillar for achieving adaptation to climate change and the generation of resilient territories and 7) management scales from a concept territory that considers and manages the marine, border, urban, rural, according to each socio-ecosystem context, which requires the harmonization of planning instruments and of course the information for relevant decision-making by everyone from the local, subnational level , national and border, among other aspects.

Reflect on the advances and conceptual and procedural challenges in the application of the differential approach in the formulation and management of public development and management policies in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Discussion guiding questions

  • What methodology have you used to apply the differential approach?
  • What challenges? And what impact has the application of the differential approach had on the public policies in which you have participated?
  • In which public policies should the differential approach be applied?

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