
Dina Boluarte withdraws the ambassador of Peru in Mexico

Dina Boluarte withdraws the ambassador of Peru in Mexico

( Spanish) — The president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, announced in a brief message broadcast on national television this Friday that her government has decided to definitively withdraw the Peruvian ambassador in Mexico and leave diplomatic relations with that nation at the level of business managers.

“I strongly reject the expressions made today by the President of Mexico regarding the internal affairs of Peru and the unacceptable questions that he repeatedly makes about the constitutional and democratic origin of my government,” said the president during her message.

“Mr. López has decided to support the coup d’état carried out by the now former president Pedro Castillo on December 7, 2022, the same one that generated the unanimous rejection of the institutions that make up the democratic order in Peru and the decision of Congress to the Republic of vacating it”, he specified. Finally, at the end of his address, he pointed out that “in this way, diplomatic relations between Peru and Mexico are formally at the level of charge d’affaires.”

Dina Boluarte on February 15, 2023 in Lima. Credit: CRIS BOURONCLE/AFP via Getty Images

is seeking the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their reaction to Boluarte’s announcement. For its part, the Mexican diplomatic delegation in Lima told that it has no comment.

Earlier, in Mexico City, López Obrador said, about Castillo, that “Mexico is going to continue supporting the unjustly and illegally removed president. And we will continue to demand that he be released. He can’t be in jail. It is a great injustice.” About Boluarte, he mentioned having seen “polls where the spurious president has 15% acceptance and 85% disapprove.”

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