This year, the highly anticipated K-drama titled Begins Youthbased on the narrative universe of BTS, finally hit the screens after years of anticipation. The production was a joint effort between the musical group’s representation company, HYBE and Chorokbaem Media. This series explores the challenges, dreams, and personal growth process of a group of seven friends, whose stories are inspired by the members of BTS.
protagonists of Begins Youth
Seo Ji Hoon as Kim Hwan (inspired by Kim Seokjin): Kim Hwan is a young man who lives in the shadow of his father, an influential politician in the country. Although he is the model of a perfect son, he has never had the opportunity to pursue his own dreams. However, thanks to the support of his friends, he is able to begin to reconnect with his emotions and find his true passion.
Noh Jong Hyun as Min Cein (inspired by Min Yoongi): Min Cein is burdened by rumors of a tragedy in his past, which has led him to develop a reserved and cold personality. However, the piano is his emotional refuge and a channel to process the pain of his loss. His strength and dedication make him an admirable figure for his friends.
Seo Young Joo as Kim Dogeon (inspired by Kim Namjoon): Kim Dogeon is characterized by his maturity and responsibility, qualities that have made him assume the role of an adult ahead of time. Although he dreams of a quiet life, his strong and reliable personality drives him to be a natural leader within the group.
Ahn Ji Ho as Jung Hosu (inspired by Jung Hoseok): Jung Hosu is the group’s source of energy and joy and has an exceptional talent for dancing. Although behind his optimism he hides the pain of having been abandoned by his parents in his childhood, his determination leads him to overcome adversity.
Kim Yoon Woo as Park Haru (inspired by Park Jimin): Park Haru shines with his warm smile, but deep inside he keeps a deep secret. The lies of his childhood and the overprotection of his family have left him confused about his identity, which is why, throughout the series, he struggles to discover who he really is.
Jung Woo Jin as Kim Jooan (inspired by Kim Taehyung): Kim Jooan lives with his alcoholic father and must constantly face a life marked by suffering. However, he retains hope that his mother, who abandoned him, will one day return to repair his broken family.
Jeon Jin Seo as Jeon Jeha (inspired by Jeon Jungkook): Jeon Jeha is a young man dealing with the instability of his home, which has led him to question his purpose in life. His internal struggle between indifference and the desire to find happiness is one of the most emotional points of the plot.
Secondary Characters
Among the supporting cast, the presence of Jung Sung Il as Kim Changjun, Kim Nam-hee as Song Junho, Nam Myeong Ryeol as Koo Hyunbok and Woo Hee Jin as Hwang Seoyoon stands out.
As mentioned aboveBegins Youth expands the narrative universe of BTS (BU), which fans have come to know through their music videos and webtoon Save Me. The story begins when Kim Hwan meets the other six characters who, as can be read in the character introduction, face their own personal struggles. Together, they discover the strength in friendship and mutual support to overcome their challenges.
The drama, also known as blue skywas in development for several years. Filming began in 2020, but suffered delays to adjust the names and narrative, as the characters were initially named after BTS members. Finally, production concluded in 2021 and entered an extensive post-production stage to ensure its quality.
Directed by Kim Jae-hong and written by Kim Soo-jin and Choi Woo-joo, Begins Youth It was launched with a total of 12 episodes, distributed in a weekly premiere format.
The episodes of Begins Youth They are available on the Xclusive platform. As expected, the series was received with great enthusiasm by the BTS fan community, known as ARMY.
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