economy and politics

Despite the threat of recession, it is still possible to lift 100 million people out of poverty in 2025

Half of Zimbabweans fell into extreme poverty during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On the occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Povertythe United Nations Development Program has published a new study that highlights that it is possible to reduce this scourge significantly.

To do this, it proposes to humanitarian workers and governments new ways of looking at the problem that can help the fight against poverty.

The Multidimensional Poverty Index, an analysis in which the University of Oxford has also participated, goes beyond the simple measurement of income as a measure of poverty, and analyzes other indicators, ranging from access to education and health to quality housing, drinking water, hygiene and electricity.

Using this way of looking at the problem, the study shows that even before the pandemic of COVID-19 and the current cost of living crisis, some 1.2 billion people in 111 developing countries lived in severe multidimensional poverty, nearly twice as many people are considered poor when poverty is defined by the income threshold, which is $1.90 a day.

different strategies

Because there are different aspects of poverty in different regions, the study proposes the development of different strategies to address the problem in different countries and regions.

It also identifies recurring patterns of poverty, which commonly affect those at risk. For example, more than half of people living in poverty lack both electricity and clean fuel for cooking, while a third are deprived of nutrition, cooking fuel, sanitation and shelter at the same time.

The experience of families in Laos, for example, shows the interconnected nature of living in poverty and the complexity of reducing it.

Children are sent to collect firewood due to lack of cooking fuel, so they cannot go to school. Therefore, providing funds to build a school is pointless without first solving the fuel problem.

historical progress

Despite the magnitude of the challenge, significant improvements have been made in reducing poverty.

In India, some 415 million people moved out of multidimensional poverty in a 15-year perioda historic change, and data collected before the COVID-19 pandemic shows that 72 countries had significantly reduced poverty in recent years.

The report shows the success of some countries that have used integrated poverty reduction strategies: Nepal’s investment in sanitation, for example, has improved access to clean water and child nutrition, through a reduction in diarrhea and the mortality.

Commenting on these report findings, Achim Steiner, director of the aforementioned UN agency, said that, at a time when government budgets are shrinking, cutting-edge data and analysis can identify the areas where spending will have the greatest impact. .

The study, Achim continued, will be vital in bringing 100 million people from multidimensional poverty by the year 2025”.

The number of children affected by poverty is increasing in Europe and Asia

On the other hand, another study published by the United Nations Children’s Fund, also on the occasion of International Day, highlights that the increase in inflation and the war in Ukraine have caused a 19% increase in child poverty in Europe of East and Central Asia.

The impact of the war in Ukraine and the subsequent economic recession on child poverty in Eastern Europe and Central Asia warns that the effect could result in a sharp increase in school dropouts and infant mortality.

Data from 22 countries in the region show that children bear the heaviest burden of the economic crisis stemming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Although minors represent 25% of the population, they actually account for almost 40% of the new 10.4 million people added to the poverty list this year.

“Children across the region are being swept up in the terrible war”mentions Afshan Khan, regional director of UNICEF for Europe and Central Asia.

Russia the most affected

Russia accounts for nearly three-quarters of the increase of child poverty, with an additional 2.8 million children now living in households below the poverty line.

Ukraine is home to half a million more children living in poverty, the second largest proportion, followed by Romania, where there has been an increase of 110,000 infants, the study notes.

“Beyond the obvious horrors of the war — mass killings, mayhem and displacement — the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine are having a devastating impact on children in Eastern Europe and Central Asia,” Kan said.

A mother and her son live in a refugee center in Lviv after being forced to flee violence in Zaporizhska, Ukraine.

Beyond the lack of money

The consequences of Child poverty extends far beyond families living in financial difficulty.

The sharp rise in poverty could result in 4,500 new babies dying before their first birthdays and learning losses could mean 117,000 more drop out of school this year alone, according to the study.

“If we don’t support these children and families now, the sharp rise in child poverty will almost certainly result in loss of life, loss of their education and loss of their future,” the UNICEF official warned.

cycle of poverty

The poorer a family is, the greater the proportion of income that must be spent on food, fuel and other necessities.

When the cost of basic goods skyrockets, the money available to meet other needs such as health and education decreases, the study says.

The subsequent cost of living crisis means that the poorest children are even less likely to access essential services and they run a major risk of violence, exploitation and abuse.

And for many, child poverty lasts a lifetime, perpetuating an intergenerational cycle of hardship and deprivation.

When governments cut public spending, raise taxes, or add austerity measures to boost their economies, they reduce support services for those who depend on them.

“Austerity measures will hurt children the most, plunging many more into poverty and making things difficult for families who are already struggling,” Khan added.

support plan

The study makes recommendations to help people with financial problems, such as provide universal cash benefits for childrenexpand social assistance to families with needy children, and protect social spending.

It also suggests supporting health, nutrition and social care services for pregnant mothers, babies and preschool children, as well as introducing price regulations on basic foods for families.

Meanwhile, UNICEF has partnered with the European Union Commission and several countries in the region to pilot the Child Guarantee initiative to mitigate the impact of poverty on children.

A strong response is needed

With more children and families pushed into poverty, a robust response across the region is essential.

The United Nations Children’s Fund calls for increased support to strengthen social protection systems in high- and middle-income countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia; and financing of social protection programs for vulnerable children and families.

“We have to protect and expand social support to vulnerable families before the situation worsens,” stressed the UNICEF Regional Director.

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