economy and politics

Depleted uranium for Ukraine: how to get rid of your trash by leaving it at the neighbor’s door

There was, or is, a so-called Christian Communication of Goods (CCB), which was the product of the Social Doctrine of the Church, enunciated by Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical Rerum Novarum (1891) when he saw that the “ghost that haunts Europe: the ghost of communism”, announced by the dynamic duo Marx & Engels in their communist manifesto (1847), it was a reality that had to be faced from the assumptions that had allowed the Church of Rome to remain two centuries in the machito.

Until then, the workers were mere recipients of the biblical curse “you will earn your bread with the sweat of your brow” and whoever did not like it, who would have studied. But the revolutions of 1848, the so-called Spring of the Peoples, were a knock: the proletariat was not willing to wait to sit at the right hand of the heavenly Father to stop being miserable. It was urgent that the Catholic Church respond, so that the aforementioned Pope, respecting and even sacralizing private property, against socialism, recognized that “some excessively rich impose an almost servile yoke on a mass of dispossessed”, for which it was a duty to “give alms from one’s abundance to brothers in need” and, against liberalism, the “State has the task of supporting those whose existence is not secure” through protective legislation.

And if there is a Christian state in the world it is the USA. They preach it from their paper money: “In God we trust”. The dollars trust God, they say. It is significant, although we were not told, that President Eisenhower cut short his visit to Spain in 1959, which so reaffirmed the Franco dictatorship, and went off climbing the walls, actually on Air Force One, when the General Nth He told him that nanay to the counterparts that the owner of the Empire hoped to obtain from the dictator: the freedoms of Religion and the Press, especially the first one, which he sought for Protestant believers.

Surely led by that North American Christian spirit and the CCB, its current president, Joe Biden, is considering sending depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine to arm the M1 Abrams tanks that he has promised to cede to Ukraine. he announced it The Wall Street Journal last day 13.

As we have already mentioned, the US has 700,000 tons of nuclear waste, depleted uranium, U-238, from the waste from its 98 nuclear power plants (although the data is difficult to verify: the Uranium Project of the World Information Service on Energy it only updates them up to 2008 and gives 470,000 tons for the US, followed by Russia, 450,000, and far behind, France, 50,000, the United Kingdom, 30,000, and other countries, but these are data that depend on the transparency of the governments, clearly improvable, and some, like China, simply don’t have them). In any case, a headache and if you do not want it to become a migraine, do not consult the data provided by said organization on the use of U-238 on household objects or in regular use.

Great Britain announced last March its intention to arm its Challenger tanks for Ukraine with U-238 warheads, prompting Putin to launch the order to deploy tactical, that is, short-range, nuclear weapons in Belarus. Western powers hide behind the fact that depleted uranium projectiles are protected under the hypocritical heading of ‘conventional weapons’. But come on, as the European Commission considers nuclear energy ‘green’…

It must be remembered that U-238 is less toxic than U-235, the enriched uranium used in nuclear power plants, but its active life is estimated at 4,500 million years, as many as life on our planet. And that each day of each week of each of those years contaminates people, land, air and water. During an endless future, it will kill innocent people outside the conflict with thyroid cancer, kidney cancer, leukemia or any other. For this reason, organizations like the Center Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau maintain that “this weapon contravenes the First Additional Protocol of the Geneva Conventions, especially with respect to article 35.2 that questions weapons that cause ‘superfluous harm or unnecessary suffering’ and article 51.4 that prohibits the use of weapons that have indiscriminate effects or that cause effects that cannot be limited or controlled.

On Kosovo, NATO and the US launched, in 1999, 30,000 projectiles with U-238 to destroy, as revealed newswek, just 14 tanks, 18 personnel carriers and 20 artillery pieces and mortars… The effects on hundreds of thousands, millions of Kosovars will be eternal. The same has happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, as far as we know… And so it will be, if the US and Great Britain insist, in Ukraine and Russia.

And the good/bad thing about the matter is that radioactivity does not recognize flags and, using its invisibility, affects both the shot and the shooter… Troops are called ‘cannon fodder’ for a reason: “food for powder”, food for gunpowder, said William Shakespeare in Henry IV. The worst unemployed, the innocent, as always: the readers of the newsletter edited by José María Alegre Confidential Information Press (Incopress139, June 1, 2001)were able to read a report entitled: “Between 500,000 and 1,500,000 children, starving or as a result of depleted uranium bombing: The terrible consequences of the war and the embargo against Iraq.”

I published it Azzam Publicationsfor Jihad and the Mujahideen, that is, “Azzam Publications – for the Jihad and the Mujahideen”, in which the activities, publications, manifestos, etc. of the Islamic fundamentalists were reported. If shortly after that address was clicked, the internet reported: “This site has been suspended until further notice”, ie: “This site has been suspended until further notice”. And if you search for it today, the GoDaddy site reports: “ This domain is available for sale. As is the case today with the Russian and pro-Russian media/propaganda.

In other words, the soldiers assigned to the same areas of Kosovo where the depleted uranium from Western bombs fell were also victims. Except, obviously, the Spanish soldiers, who we were told were “not in the slightest danger” until their conditions were known and it was discovered that they had undergone incomplete tests to make them appear healthy. And when the United States stated that they had warned the NATO governments of the possible risks of depleted uranium, the Aznar government’s pretext for the proclaimed ignorance was that they informed the Army (ministers Eduardo Serra and Federico Trillo), but not to the Government; so, either the Defense holders did not go to the ministry and did not find out or the Executive and the Armed Forces did not speak to each other.

In 1996, Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State under Clinton, accepting the number of non-governmental organizations of Iraqi children killed since the Gulf War, replied that it seemed to her “an acceptable price for having restored international legality”. Very petty.

If the British-American threats to sow Ukrainian-Russian lands with U-238 are carried out –with the corresponding retaliation from the other party–, we will see what ocean of corpses seems acceptable to one and the other to restore their point of view of the international legality.

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