
Democrats and Republicans try to captivate the Latino vote in the United States

Democrats and Republicans try to captivate the Latino vote in the United States

With barely a week left until the presidential elections in the United States, both the Democratic and Republican campaigns continue with their strategies to captivate the vote of the Latino community, one of the fastest growing in the country and considered crucial in elections that They are forecast very tight.

Soni Batista, a Puerto Rican in her early 50s who lives in South Florida, had left everything she had planned this Sunday and met with other Latino volunteers from the campaign of Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris. Their plan was to participate in a caravan that toured several neighborhoods in Miami-Dade County to encourage the Hispanic vote on November 5.

“It is very important that we go to vote because for many of us it has been very difficult to come to this country and obtain the right to vote. So we have to mobilize,” he told the Voice of America while holding a sign written in English where the phrase “We are not going to go back” was read.

About 5 kilometers from where Batista was, a group of Republican supporters gathered at Café Versailles, an emblematic site for the Cuban exile in Miami. The group of supporters of former Republican President Donald Trump gathered at the site with “Trump 2024” flags and the campaign slogan “Let’s Make America Great Again.”

“I am Cuban and I am going to vote for Trump because I think it is the best for this country. We have been suffering for four years with a government that has done nothing and has plunged it even further with inflation,” commented Nairobi García, a resident of the city of Miami, Florida, since 2010.

The trend of the Latino vote

The Hispanic community has become a decisive factor for both parties, since a small number of votes could tip the balance towards one side or the other in these elections.

A study by Florida International University (FIU) concluded that although the Latino vote leans mostly towards Democrats (44%), there has recently been a shift towards Republican options (32%) by this segment of population.

The first thing to say is that [el voto latino] is predominantly democrat, but you are seeing a turning trend that vote towards the Republican Party, “particularly in Florida, where Donald Trump may win the majority of the Latino vote. We are also seeing it in states where there is the so-called Sun Beltthe Sun Belt, and that is crucial for the electoral contest,” said political analyst Thomas Kennedy in reference to the states of Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and a part of Texas.

That is why both campaigns are joining efforts to focus on undecided states or swing stateswho could have the key to enter the White House.

“In states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, which is where there may be a variation of between 2 and 4%, and this could define the election depending on the participation to a greater or lesser extent of Latino voters,” he explained to the VOA Eduardo Gamarra, professor of political science at FIU.

The economy, a key factor for the Latino vote

Policies on abortion or migration have been part of the agenda of this electoral campaign. However, the economic issue and the management of inflation is what most worries American voters, according to a study by the Gallup consulting firm.

52% of the country’s voters believe that the economic situation is worse than four years ago. “Rental prices are higher than ever. Prices in supermarkets, although inflation has gone down, are still very expensive. In other words, the daily life of the American is more difficult today than it was in 2016 and until 2020, before the pandemic,” admitted Kennedy, a liberal analyst.

The economy has also become a top concern for Latino voters. This panorama, added to the fear of a recession, could benefit Donald Trump, who is presenting himself as the candidate capable of reversing this scenario.

“Donald Trump is promoting a campaign in which he says that we are going to return you to my four years, but without the pandemic. It is also telling you that you will be able to return to buy your car, you will be able to buy your house,” explained Frank Rodríguez, political analyst and member of the Academy of the History of Cuba in Exile.

From the Democratic ranks they admit the lack of effective communication to transmit some achievements of the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, such as the rescue plan after the pandemic or the forgiveness of student debt.

“They have improved the economy, they have done good things but they have not been able to capitalize on their achievements and campaign well on those achievements,” acknowledged Thomas Kennedy.

So, as they explain to the VOA Several members who are part of Kamala Harris’ campaign, the Democratic Party is trying to straighten its strategy in this matter so that there is no leakage of votes.

“That is why Kamala Harris is proposing proposals for those people who want to buy a home for the first time, people who want to open businesses, they are very attractive attractive aid,” recalled Liz Rebeca Alarcón, a political communication strategist who is collaborating with the Democratic campaign. .

The latest polls

A poll by the Center for Political Studies at Harvard University gave Republican Trump a slight advantage over Democrat Harris among those voters – without making distinction by their origin – who had voted early in the hinge states, those whose results are uncertain and can lean to one side or the other.

But it does not necessarily have to mean a defeat for the Democrats because, according to the same electoral study, Harris still maintains an 8-point advantage over Trump among voters who have already started voting in all the states of the country.

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