He Ministry of Transport updated the vehicle technical regulations through harmonization with the standards of USA and with the regulations of the United Nations Organization (UN). The foregoing is consistent with the vehicular technological ascent to which the country has aimed, from the ‘Safe System’ approach.
However, the Government made the decision to extend the extension of the technical regulations. “It is essential for us that we are prepared for the entry of new measures for the country“, He said Vice Minister of Transportation, Carlos Enríquez Caicedo.
“We are currently awaiting the review by the Constitutional Court of Law 2290 of 2023, by which Colombia’s accession to the agreement is approved, a prerequisite for the execution of the provisions included in the aforementioned law.”, pointed out the deputy minister.
The extension will be for the technical regulations that come into force this year, such as the new and retreaded pneumatic tires for motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailersthe retroreflective tapes for use in motor vehicles and their trailers, and thes pneumatic tires intended for motorcycles.
The entry into force of the Law will allow the process of inspection, surveillance and control against compliance with the provisions of the regulations.