
Dataminer unravels secrets of upcoming Nintendo exclusive

Could Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition have included challenges from 27 games?

Nintendo carries out its development with great secrecy for good, but sometimes it tends to be excessive to the point that it apparently sometimes does not give credit to translators. Well, the Japanese company did not want a detail of one of its upcoming games to be known, but now it has come to light.

In recent times, Nintendo has hidden the developers it collaborates with to make its exclusive games a reality and the main way players can find out is by playing these titles.

We say “main” because there are other means as well, especially as the game’s release approaches and Nintendo It releases more information, albeit somewhat secretively, which is available to dataminers, who set to work to unravel this information and make it public.

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Dataminer revealed secrets of Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition

This is precisely what happened with Nintendo World Championships: NES Editionwhose preload option has just appeared in the Nintendo eShop. The dataminer Luigi Blood took this opportunity to dig into the new data available and found that the project was run by Nintendo and indieszero.

This revelation does not take many by surprise, because, although it is not an internal study of Nintendo, indieszero He has worked on several projects for the company, including compilations of retro title challenges NES Remix, NES Remix 2 and Ultimate NES Remixwhich made many speculate that they would return to take over Nintendo World Championships: NES Editionwhich would be of a similar nature.

Could Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition have included challenges from 27 games?

That wasn’t all, but the dataminer also found that, despite the fact that there are still several days left until the game’s release, there is already an update ready. In addition, it was revealed that the codename is Fake and that runs thanks to the emulation of the emulator NES NERDwhich is used for the Nintendo Switch Online and the NES Mini.

What is striking is that Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition includes challenges of 13 titles of NESbut according to the clues found, Nintendo apparently he had originally planned 27 games.

In case you missed it: Dataminers also revealed the secrets that Nintendo didn’t want you to know about this other exclusive.

What do you think about the information surrounding Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition? Tell us in the comments or in Discord.

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