
‘Daily Show’ Nails What Trump ‘Really Loved’ About Hitler

“But it gets even crazier… because according to John Kelly, Trump’s such a fascist that he even has an all-time favorite dictator,” Kosta said. “And if you’re thinking, ‘Nononono, it can’t be.’ Yes, it can.”

Kosta played audio of Kelly saying that Trump told him that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler “did some good things.”

“Hitler did some good things,” Kosta mockingly agreed. “I mean after all, he killed himself.”

Kosta noted there was one particular part of the Nazi regime that Trump admired most.

“But what Kelly explained in an interview with The Atlantic magazine is that what Trump really loved about Hitler was how he surrounded himself with yes men,” he said. “Or as they say in Germany, ya men.”

Kelly said Trump praised Hitler’s generals for being “totally loyal,” and said Trump told him he wanted those kinds of generals himself.

Kosta said Trump “learned the wrong lesson” from the Holocaust.

“The lesson I learned was not to do the Holocaust,” Kosta said. “But the lesson I learned was ‘the Nazis were great listeners.’”

So Kosta and the “Daily Show” team offered the former president and others who may need it a blunt history lesson.

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