To begin with, remember that Phantom Liberty is a new espionage thriller adventure that puts players back in the shoes of V, a mercenary with cybernetic enhancements who this time embarks on a mission to save Rosalind Meyers, the president of the New United States and former CEO of Militech. The person in charge of recruiting V for this assignment is Solomon Reed (Idris Elba), an experienced agent of the FIA (Federal Intelligence Agency) specializing in covert intelligence missions.
New to Phantom Liberty is the Dogtown district, a location that was previously known as the Battle Zone until it was renamed by Kurt Hansen, who is currently its ruler. “A mix between protector and tyrant […]“But above all, he’s an entrepreneur,” says Igor Sarzyński, Phantom Liberty’s narrative director. Hansen is inspired by South American drug lords who invest in communities and become role models while using those communities as fronts. His military unit is the Barghest, who are half gang members and half military.
Dogtown is presented as a zone of contrasts. Some places are safe, while others are dangerous and rarely visited. Also, Trauma Team does not operate in Dogtown. In this district the free market is in style, corporations do not set foot there and no taxes are paid. In its market there are things that cannot be found even in Kabuki. If anyone was wondering why Meyers is in trouble, it’s because Space Force One crashed inside Dogtown. V is on a mission to help her get out of there.
Regarding Solomon Reed, he is together with V and Songbird the three most important characters. “If you want to change a government in another country, Reed is the person you send to deal with it,” says Sarzyński. For the past few years Reed has been a sleeper agent, but during the course of the Phantom Liberty story he gets back into action and works with V. As for Songbird, she’s a street punk. “I hope that the players perceive her, at least that is the objective of her, as a reflection of V and of themselves; that by interacting with Songbird they get a new perspective on V’s motivations, his actions, his goals,” says Sarzyński.
Finally we have an image with the new requirements of Cyberpunk 2077, which will take effect after the next update of the base game, not before 90 days, and will also apply to Phantom Liberty. “The new system requirements are designed to be more up to date, adding support for new GPUs not available at launch and targeting 1080p or 4K resolution output for specific in-game presets,” explains CD Projekt Red.