The phenomena of the failure or loss of the yearas well as the desertion in it education system are a sample ofthe shortcomings of the educational system to guarantee the achievement of the expected learning by the students”, according to a study published by the Economics of Education Laboratory (LEE) of the Javeriana University.
According to the Economics Laboratory report, 643,030 students missed the school year in 2021. Between State and family expenses, “the país lost $2.8 billion and each family of a student who failed the year lost $3 million on average”.
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It draws attention that in 2021, the failure rate was higher in men and in high school grades, that is, from sixth to ninth. “In 2021, 239,000 women failed the school year in primary and secondary education, in contrast to 319,000 men”, describes the report.
On the other hand, the departments with the highest failure rates are Vichada, Guania and Chocowhile Arauca, Magdalena and Cundinamarca has the lowest rates.
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It must also be said that failure decreased 37% between 2020when the figure stood at 1 million students, and 2021.
According to the researchers, this decrease may be associated with the fact that in 2020 the pandemic was faced and many students did not have access to the necessary technologies to receive classes, while in 2021 it returned to normal.
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Another striking element that they found is that “failure has negative effects on students, not only academically but psychologically, motivating dropout, in addition to the inefficiency of learning processes, especially when the causes of school failure and repetition are not identified and corrected get more of the same”.
That is when this phenomenon comes in, which is also due to different reasons.
“In 2021, 333,680 people dropped out of the education system, nearly 28,000 fewer than in 2020”, explain the researchers.
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Dropout is also higher in men, whose figure is 172,000, that is, 28,000 more than the women who desert.
Scholars believe that “men have higher average dropout rates than women, because men face more possibilities of child labor or risks such as the use of psychoactive substances, juvenile delinquency or forced recruitment”.
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By departments, in this line they found that Casanare and Guaviarefollowed by antioch, huila and Amazon They are the regions with the highest dropout rate for female students.
Regarding male students, the highest dropout rate occurs in Vichada, Guainía, Amazonas, Guaviare and Huila.
From the Lee they mention that you should work first on “improve educational quality comprehensively”, but follow up on students who are behind and try to “get the deserters back”, since they usually leave their studies due to economic problems and the armed conflict.
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