economy and politics

CPC Officials Hold a Press Conference on China’s Diplomacy


Image: CGTN

The Press Center of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held a press conference in Beijing on Thursday to brief the media on Chinese diplomacy.

Shen Beili, Vice Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Ma Zhaoxu, a member of the CPC Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vice Minister, answered questions during the conference that focused on the theme “Under the Guidance of China’s Thought.” Xi Jinping on diplomacy, moving forward and striving to break new ground for diplomacy of major countries with Chinese characteristics.”

pioneering advances

Ma said that Chinese diplomacy has overcome many difficulties in the past decade and has made progress amid a complex and bleak international situation. The key to these achievements is Xi Jinping’s leadership and the scientific guidance provided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, he said.

China’s diplomacy has made groundbreaking progress in the past 10 years: the number of countries that have established diplomatic ties with China has increased from 172 to 181, while the number of countries and regional organizations that have established partnerships with China has increased from 41 to 113. Ma pointed out.

China promoted the new China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, put forward the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation in the relationship between China and the United States, and advocated building partnerships to peace, growth, reform and civilization with the European Union, he said.

The Presidium of the 20th CPC National Congress holds its second meeting, chaired by Xi Jinping

In the face of containment efforts and outside interference, Ma said China has consolidated the international community’s adherence situation to the one-China principle.

With unprecedented depth, breadth and power, China joins global governance and becomes the pillar of safeguarding multilateralism, he said.

National sovereignty

China opposes any “Taiwan independence” separatist activities and interference by external powers, with the aim of further consolidating the one-China international consensus, Ma said in response to how Chinese diplomacy strives to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

the number of countries that established diplomatic ties with China increased from 172 to 181

By firmly applying the “one country, two systems” principle and assisting the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, China accurately counters the unreasonable sanctions imposed by the United States, he said.

“We firmly adhere to the policy of independent and peaceful diplomacy and oppose acts of hegemonism and power politics in any form,” Ma said, adding that China’s determination to safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation is unwavering and solid.

Non-interference and mutual learning

“Non-interference in the internal affairs of others is the common consensus of the political parties of all countries and the basic norm to govern international relations. It is also the precondition for political parties to maintain their independence,” Shen said in response to a question from a CGTN reporter about how the Party handles the relationship between non-interference in each other’s internal affairs and mutual respect.

Mutual learning is the important motive for human political civilization to prosper and develop, he said. The CPC has shared experience in party and nation governance with many political parties through various ways, deepening development cooperation at many levels, including thoughts and ideas, policy planning, and practice of governance, he explained.

“By Firmly Applying The Principle Of “One Country, Two Systems” And Helping The Implementation Of The National Security Law In Hong Kong, China Accurately Counters The Unreasonable Sanctions Imposed By The United States”

The CCP will continue to exchange governance experiences with foreign political parties, jointly strengthening its own construction and improving governance capacity, so as to improve people’s welfare and further contribute to the development of human civilization.

Article republished from the Chinese state media CGTN within the framework of an agreement between both parties to share content. Link to original article:

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