In October 2020, technical assistance on SDG environmental indicators was carried out with the objectives of having a trained inter-institutional technical team and identifying a common conceptual basis on environmental statistical processes (data, basic statistics, indicators, sources, among others). to build, sustain and update the existing set of environmental indicators and build new indicators in the future. In this 2023, we gladly resume collaboration with colleagues in Panama through virtual technical assistance that allows us to promote inter-institutional collaboration, as an essential requirement for the construction and maintenance of a system of national environmental indicators, and to support the implementation and follow up on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The intention of this technical assistance is to include diagnostic techniques for administrative records for environmental statistical purposes and environmental indicators, with the target audience being other technicians that make up the Inter-Institutional Environmental System and the Technical Committee of Environmental Statistics in the country, and thus, support the consolidation of national technical capacities. In this context, the Ministry of the Environment of Panama (MiAMBIENTE), in collaboration with the Statistics Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) are pleased to invite you to participate in this workshop that will strengthen capacities for build environmental indicators at the country level.
By holding this workshop, ECLAC supports Panama in the development of a set of prioritized Environmental Indicators, towards the consolidation of the environmental pillar of the 2030 Agenda and policy coherence in the implementation of the EscazĂș Agreement, the SAMOA Trajectory , the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework, among others.