economy and politics

Conscious and unconscious in the judicial persecution against Podemos and other right-wing rivals

Conscious and unconscious in the judicial persecution against Podemos and other right-wing rivals

In 2014, shortly after the founding of Podemos as a political party heir to the 15M citizen movement, the Indignados Movement, a source of total credibility (due to the veracity of information provided previously) told me off the record that the CNI, the National Intelligence Centre, then headed by General Félix Sanz Roldán, was not alien to the constitution of that party to the left of the PSOE. It made sense: two new diners had sat at the table on the right of the PP, Ciudadanos (40 deputies in 2015) and Vox (founded in 2013), when Rosa Díez’s Unión, Progreso y Democracia was already in the desserts, about to get up. Meanwhile, at the table on the left, the PSOE was stuffing itself to its heart’s content (Izquierda Unida, like the PCE before it, was eating at the children’s table).

I was unable to confirm the leak with a source. on the record nor to obtain any proof of its veracity, so I filed it away. Because, furthermore, if it had that meaning that I have spoken of, it made no sense that, five months after its foundation, when Podemos obtained the unexpected success of five seats in its first electoral contest, in the elections to the European Parliament in May 2014, a systematic persecution of the corrupt Ministry of the Interior of the Government of Mariano Rajoy led by Fernández Díaz began, judicialized by certain judges and publicized by soi-disants journalists and media specialists in fake newsthe lies of a lifetime disguised as post-truths.

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