Gloria Gómez- Diago is the international guest at INCOME which will be held at our Viña del Mar campus.
The Spanish academic from the Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain, will present on Thursday, November 10 at 11:30 (Chile) the conference “Artificial intelligence in the field of communication. Proposal to introduce it in teaching and to develop a critical perspective”.
They tell us about their research in this interview.
-What is the importance of artificial intelligence in the field of communications?
It has a great importance, the same as in the social context in general, or more, because communication is closely linked to technology -to technologies-, so it is very important to approach artificial intelligence from the field of communication because of that In this way, we will contribute to this technology being at the service of issues of social interest, such as developing journalism that is of interest to users. We can also contribute to generating technologies that have educational functions or to platforms that allow the exchange of ideas and social dialogue to develop.
– How is artificial intelligence introduced in the teaching of journalism?
We can distinguish mainly two ways that, on occasions, are introduced simultaneously: – From a critical perspective, attention is paid to the social consequences of the use of this technology. – From a perspective, which we could call applied, students are being taught to handle artificial intelligence technologies fundamentally to develop three skills: data collection and processing, automated content creation and content verification.
– What is the importance of conferences such as INCOM for academic dissemination networks?
Congresses like INCOM are fundamental as contexts of intellectual creation in which – through dialogue – works and ideas are shared and an exchange of knowledge and perspectives is generated. Initiatives such as INCOM 2022 are necessary at a time of great social change, in which we need to collectively share and generate perspectives in order to contribute, from the field of communication, to generating more democratic and healthy contexts, also influencing the design and in the uses of technology.