economy and politics

Colombia remains among the most unequal countries in Latin America


World Inequality Database (WID)an organization specializing in the study of the distribution of wealth in the world, published the World Inequality Report 2022in which it analyzes the management of this area at a global level.

As one of the main findings, the WID found that the world remains highly unequal, because they found that the richest 10% of the world’s population owns 7% of all wealth.

Latin America It has never been immune to this type of measurement, since in this region there are nations that generally occupy the top positions in this annual classification.

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For this year, the country that is most behind in terms of wealth distribution is Chiliwith 1% of the population owning 48.8% of the country’s wealth.

This country is followed by Brazilwhere half of 1% owns 48% of the wealth and, closing the podium, Mexico, with 47.9% for 1% of its population.

In the Colombian case, although it is several seats below what it was in previous years, It still stands out among the first places in the region and the world..

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The country, according to the measurement made by the WID, The country ranked sixth in the region, with 33.44% total wealth for the richest 1% of its population.



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Above Colombia, in addition to those mentioned above, is Peruwith 45%, and Costa Rica, with 35.30%. After the ‘coffee’ country they are, in their order: Venezuela (33 %), Nicaragua (28.10 %), Dominican Republic (28%), Guatemala, Panama and Paraguay (28 %), Bolivia (27.90 %), Honduras (27.90%), Uruguay (27.90%), Argentina (25.70 %), The Savior (24.70%) and Ecuador (23.40%).


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