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College of Architects and UMAG signed an agreement for training, talks, seminars and workshops

College of Architects and UMAG signed an agreement for training, talks, seminars and workshops

It will be given through specific collaboration projects or programs, which will be focused on meeting the objectives.

Communications University of Magallanes.– Within the framework of collaboration and cooperation between the College of Architects of Chile and the University of Magallanes (UMAG), both entities established an agreement in the organizational framework that will allow mutual collaboration in terms of carrying out joint activities, such as: training , talks and seminars; in addition to workshops that could be of public or private interest, volunteer work and other initiatives that are determined and that are convenient and of mutual interest for the parties.

This will take place through specific collaboration projects or programs, which will be focused on meeting the objectives. On the other hand, in the financing of the annexes, the parties undertake to seek both regional and national sources, in order to cover the monetary expenses incurred for their execution; while the UMAG will provide the necessary spaces and infrastructure for the actions.

“This reality has been running for approximately two years, which is very enriching both for the professionals who make up the college and for the community of architects in Magallanes, in general, and Punta Arenas, in particular; and the entire community of the Department of Architecture of the University of Magallanes, with common points in jobs in which the students have already done internships through the College of Architects”, said Daniel Matus, director of the Department of Architecture of the UMAG.

Meanwhile, Juan Sabbagh, National Prize for Architecture, stated that “it goes without saying the importance of universities as well as unions in the regions. The formation of scientific development and generation of culture is super important; In the case of culture, we have a lot to say, since in this city there are about 150 architects. The great dilemma that we architects of the 21st century have is how to reconcile that which comes from behind, which makes up a region, and generate its own identity”.

It adheres that the College of Architects of Chile AG, is committed to making available exhibitors of national and international recognition, giving talks and seminars to students and academics of the UMAG; and invite your community to participate in joint activities.

“This is an agreement longed for by the College of Architects, it has been managed since 2017-2018, so we are already reaching the culmination point to generate the collaboration agreement. We want the Architecture students of the University of Magallanes, through the College of Architects, to have a job opportunity and to be able to train with their academic practices and everything that corresponds, among other things”, said César Alvial, president of the Delegation Zone of the College of Architects of Magallanes.

Agreement dates
This agreement will enter into force as of the date of the resolution that approves it and will have a duration of three years with the possibility of renewal. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may terminate it by notice by certified letter sent to the other, at least three months in advance of the respective expiration date.

In the latter case, the specific activities in progress will continue until the date planned for their completion.

The signing of the agreement took place in the Hernando Magallanes Council Room, which is located in the Rectory building.

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