economy and politics

Citizen Income: when will the next payment be and what are the new requirements?

Transit to Citizen Income

The program Citizen Income in Colombia, which offers economic support to Colombian citizens and foreigners who are in situations of extreme poverty, is close to the next delivery of resources. Over the course of this year, prioritized households are scheduled to receive payments ranging from $200,000 and $500,000 every 45 days.

You can read: This is how you can review Citizen Income payments and banks in the new consultation link

The selection of beneficiaries is based on information obtained from Sisbén IV, the Social Registry of Households and the lists of the indigenous population. It is important to note that there is no registration process; instead, the information available in these databases is used.

To ensure periodic updating of beneficiaries, A review of the databases will be carried out every six months. Those who fail to comply with the commitments established in the Commitment and Co-Responsibility Act could be excluded from the program.

There are four lines of care with specific requirements, adapted to the conditions of each home:

1. Care assessment: intended for people included in groups A1-A6 of Sisbén IV, who will receive financial support consisting of eight cycles of $500,000, adding a total of $4,000,000 per year. Entry requirements include single-parent families, homes with people with disabilities who require permanent care, and indigenous intervention units with children under 6 years of age.

Can read: When do Citizen Income transfers begin and how to verify if you are a beneficiary

Transit to Citizen Income.

2. Colombia Without Hunger: aimed at families in extreme poverty (group A of Sisbén) who do not have barriers to access the labor market. The beneficiaries, parents with children and adolescents between 7 and 17 years old, will receive between $200,000 and $500,000 starting in July, once the banking provider is defined.

3. Strengthening capacities: aimed at households classified in moderate poverty (groups B1-B4), with the aim of improving their economic situation through training programs. This group will receive an annual bonus between $500,000 and $1,000,000.

4. Emergency Assistance: Monetary transfers intended for populations affected by crisis situations, disasters or emergencies decreed by the National Government.

Also read: Citizen Income: when will the list of beneficiaries be updated and where to consult it?

Citizen income

Citizen income

Social Prosperity

Regarding the start date of payments, Red+ Noticias consulted Prosperidad Social, who indicated that the transfer for the care assessment line and for the beneficiaries of Colombia Sin Hambre is scheduled for July.

However, the exact date depends on the final choice of the banking provider, not yet defined.
The information about this process will be published on the official networks of the entity, under the responsibility of Gustavo Bolívar.


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