Science and Tech

Cinema as inspiration for the new generation of scientists

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Throughout history, many skeptics have said phrases like “that’s scientifically impossible” or “you’re crazy, that can’t be like that.” Graciously, science has been able to not only create what was impossible back then, but improve it.

From creating three-dimensional figures in a digital world to designing tools that can help the common person in everyday life, science has been responsible for such inventions. But who inspired science to invent such revolutionary ideas?

Inspiration comes from many sources, one of which, although it may be hard to believe, is movies. Here it will be explained how much impact these films have had on modern science.

Between spies and biopics: an inspiration for the science of the future

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There is not a soul on this earth who has not seen spy movies, especially if they are James Bond movies. Not only is he a charismatic character who completes the mission and saves the girl, but to achieve this he uses a large number of tools that are almost impossible to imagine, such as hooks hidden in watches or lasers in a pen. The truth is that today such tools are already among us.

Well, there are no watches with hooks or lasers, but there are watches that connect directly to our mobile phone or the Internet and offer the same functions as a desktop computer. Some are even able to read our heart rate!

Of course, biopics like Oppenheimer, as they talk about it at CyberGhost VPNare not only blockbuster films, but they can also inspire millions of young people who will be the scientists of the future.

A little science fiction in everyday life

Speaking of famous movies and series, there are many that implement science fiction as their main theme, whether it be space travel, as seen in the classic Star Trek series, or living among robots, as seen in The Acolyte or I, Robot.

Travel to space is already a reality, although limited, since man has only reached our Moon, while some drones have managed to land on Mars and its moons. But there are those who are already betting on these trips in the future, such as:

  • Elon Musk, investor and owner of Tesla
  • Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon
  • Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic
  • Will Smith, Hollywood superstar
  • Yusaku Maezawa, Japanese billionaire
  • Among others

Although the concept of robots has existed since 1948 with the creation of Elmer and Elsie, two electronic automata robots, the concept did not have a great impact until the intervention of artificial intelligence. With it, we can give instructions to a computer to take quick actions for us, or it can even be used to start a conversation as if it were a real person.

Some artificial intelligences such as Cortana or Alexa are already available on most devices. Sadly, they still have flaws that their developers are working to correct, some of which come from the human factor. Quite an irony, right?

For example, ChatGPT, an AI-based program that generates answers based on users’ questions, takes information from frequently visited sources. One of these sources is Wikipedia, which although is generally accurate, can be edited by anyone at any time. This makes ChatGPT responses not entirely accurate.

In conclusion

The spy movies and science fiction are perhaps the two main branches of the big screen that inspire science to progress at the rate that can be seen today. However, there are those who believe that the true source of advancement in science and technology comes from human need. Only time will tell if any other type of advance will improve the quality of life of human beings.

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