Science and Tech

CI²MA Director will evaluate multidisciplinary projects from Canada

CI²MA Director will evaluate multidisciplinary projects from Canada

Communications Udec.-The only Chilean to integrate the project evaluation committee of the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is the academic of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics and director of the Center for Research in Mathematical Engineering, CI²MAfrom the University of Concepción, Dr. Rodolfo Araya Duran.

Similar to the National Research and Development Agency of Chile, the IFC was founded in 1997 by the Canadian government to administer financing, with resources from the state, for scientific research projects and technological development and large infrastructure, presented by academic institutions of that North American country, which have a global impact.

The activities of the committee, on this occasion, will be carried out electronically and the researcher of the Mathematical Modeling Center, CMMfrom the U. of Chile explains that “this is my second time being a member of an international committee of the IFC, since the first time was in 2020. I think that the opportunity for my participation arose when I was part of of the Board of Directors of the Millennium Science Initiative, probably on the recommendation of one of the members of the international panel, with whom I was assigned to work”.

On his new duties, the alternate director of the Precursor Ring Projectexplains that “I belong to the group that examines the reports of the referees experts in each area, who review each proposal in a disciplinary manner, after which we evaluate its impact, both from a scientific point of view, as well as its impact on the life of Canadian society. In addition, we review whether or not the proposals are at a globally competitive level, among other aspects”.

“This is recognition of my scientific career,” he maintains, “as well as my service in the area of ​​evaluating large scientific projects, experience obtained both from my time at the Millennium Science Initiative and in other international evaluation committees. According to what I have been told, I am the only Chilean on the committee”.

“This participation is very interesting,” emphasizes the academic, “because it shows how large projects are evaluated in a developed country, and it shows us that our Chilean evaluation system is very similar to one in the first world, with the obvious differences in the amounts to assign, which in the case of Canadian projects are close to US$ 400 million”.

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