Science and Tech

China and the United States have their secret planes in orbit. The Asian giant has released an unknown object

X 37b

The Chinese Shenlong space plane would have released an unknown object into low Earth orbit (LEO). Jonathan McDowell, a renowned astronomer and space activity tracker, suggested that the loadcataloged with the international code 2023-195G, was orbiting about 600 kilometers altitude on May 24.

McDowell speculated at the time that it could be a small satellite and even a component ejected before a possible end of the mission in question. However, everything regarding Shenlong’s activity is a mystery. This is because it is a classified project of the Chinese government.

It is not the first mission of the space plane

China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced the launch success of a “reusable test spacecraft” aboard a rocket Long March 2F from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on December 14, 2023. Despite the secrecy of the activity, the agency provided some additional details.

The statement added that the ship would test its reusability and conduct space science experiments “to provide technical support for the peaceful use of space.” He also said he would land at a previously defined location, but did not reveal the location or an estimated end date for the mission.

It is not clear how many objects Shenlong has released, but it is known that this is not his first mission. The space plane reached space for the first time in 2020 and returned to earth after two days. In 2022 she repeated the feat, but remained in orbit for 276 days. This means that we are talking about her third known mission.

X 37b


Now, China is not the only country that is carrying out this type of secret missions. The United States has its own reusable space plane, the X-37B, about which little else is known. Phantom Works, the Boeing subsidiary in charge of the US project, has said it aims to secure “superiority in the space domain.”

The X-37B, however, has a longer range than its Chinese equivalent. It has been flying since 2010 and has broken several records for permanence in orbit, the last being 908 days in space. The mission OTV-7 It was launched on December 28, 2023, days after the launch of the Shenlong and is still in space.

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Consequently, at the time of publishing this article two secret space planes, one Chinese and one American, were orbiting overhead. The new space race between these powers also appears to include the development of reusable unmanned space vehicles similar to the retired shuttle.

Images | Baijiahao | United States Space Force

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