
Charles Michel: “It is essential that the European Union is firm, united and supports Ukraine”

Charles Michel: "It is essential that the European Union is firm, united and supports Ukraine"

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On the occasion of an exceptional European summit in kyiv, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, gave an interview to France 24 and Radio France International (RFI). Among other issues, Michel expressed his concern about possible reinforced Russian attacks, almost a year after the war broke out, and promised to “support” Ukraine in its ambition to join the European Union.

For the President of the European Council, “this special Summit in kyiv is a sign that we are close to the Ukrainians with determination and unity.” On Ukraine’s accession to the EU, Charles Michel underlines that Ukraine has made a lot of efforts to implement reforms in the rule of law, the fight against corruption and the independence of the judiciary.

As for military aid, although the US is the first contributor, European leaders are up to the task in terms of financial, humanitarian and political support, according to the President of the Council “the EU is acting economically and supporting the reception of refugees”. He also insists on international mobilization to isolate Russia, “whose violation of international law threatens the rest of the world.”

Charles Michel also spoke about recent tank deliveries from EU countries, including Leopard tanks. He recalls that, since the start of the war, the Union mobilized 12,000 million euros thanks to an exceptional European defense procedure, with deliveries of arms and industrial cooperation between States.

As for Russia, “it got the opposite of what it wanted, it failed to divide the Europeans, nor the Europeans from the Americans, and it has to face the NATO bids of Finland and Sweden.” With the anniversary of the first year of the war, Charles fears a Russian offensive in the form of “revenge”, with which he justifies the deliveries of arms and the presence of European leaders alongside the Ukrainians.

“The European Union grows in the face of crises”

On the consequences of the war, the energy crisis and poverty in Europe, the President of the Council was “surprised by the support of the population for Ukraine”. The Council will make proposals to defend purchasing power, particularly in the electricity market. “The EU grows in the face of crises”, he recalls.

Regarding the 10th “sanctions package” claimed against Russia, Michel stresses that “despite the debates, the first 9 sets of sanctions were voted unanimously.”

“The Summit in Kiev also intends to show the world that we support the defense of international law,” explains the president, who concludes with a message to the Ukrainians: “Resist, we are with you, your destiny is the European Union, because that is your their choice, their decision, and they can count on the European determination because we know they are suffering to defend their future and their children, but also to defend the values ​​in which we believe”.

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