economy and politics

Charges are filed against the prosecutor leading the case of Petro’s son for leaking videos

Nicolás Petro and Gustavo Petro

The Attorney General’s Office filed a charge sheet against the prosecutor Mario Burgos, at the head of the accusation of Nicholas Pethree Burgos, firstborn of President Gustavo Petro, by filter videos recorded within the investigation to the media and by “undue pressure” in his interrogation.

The president of the National Judicial Disciplinary Commission (the highest instance of disciplinary jurisdiction) fHe formulated three charges for two very serious offenses and one serious offense.

(See: Nicolás Petro, son of President Gustavo Petro, will be charged with new crimes).

Between them, “for allowing, as director of the process, the leak of the videos made within the criminal investigation against Nicolás Petro Burgos, which were published in the media (…) related to the interrogation and capture of the aforementioned citizen“.

The interrogation videos were published after Petro Burgos denied that his father had any kind of relationship with a possible case of irregular campaign financing, Because in them you could see how, under pressure from the Prosecutor’s Office, he accepted that the president knew.

Thus, the Commission also brought charges against the prosecutor “for having exerted undue pressure during the interrogation of Nicolás Petro to testify against his family and obtain benefits from them” and for “questioning the responsibility of people outside the process“.

(See: Why the US included Nicolás Petro in a report on human rights and corruption).

Nicolás Petro and Gustavo Petro.


This decision, however, “currently has no effect on the process“and Burgos will continue to lead the case against Nicolás Petro, whom until now He has been charged with two crimes for allegedly receiving money from former drug trafficker Samuel Santander Lopesierra and Gabriel Hilsaca Acosta, son of controversial businessman Alfonso ‘Turco’ Hilsaca, for his father’s presidential campaign in 2022.

(See: Petro speaks out about the leak of the video of the capture of his son Nicolás).

The president’s eldest son is being prosecuted for money laundering and illicit enrichment of a public servant, since last year, when the investigations against him began, he was a deputy of the Assembly of the department of Atlántico (north).

(See: Nicolás Petro assured that the Prosecutor’s Office pressured him to testify against his father).

Nicolás Petro has been in his Barranquilla residence under house arrest since mid-2023.


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